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A.N. This might be a little short and I fucking hate school😪 I don't wanna go back there tomorrow.  I promise to have a nice plump chapter in Friday PLEASE GIVE SUGGESTION :) enjoyyyy


Wade had been acting weird. Like clingy weird.
It was starting to freak Peter out.

"Where were you?"

"Want to hang out?"

"Let's FaceTime."

And Peter was fine with it. He enjoyed Wade's company, but Peter had recently started working more and it turned into;

"Why was your phone on silent?"

"I have the right to know where you've been!"

"Come sleep over."

Peter had answered the questions calmly.

"Because our office is quiet. It has to be silenced."

"I've been at work."

"I can't right now. Maybe this weekend."

Wade didn't have it. He'd start showing up at Peter's place, he left Peter gifts all over the place, some letters that made Peter very uncomfortable.

It got even worse from there.

"Don't you love me?!"

"I thought we were friends!"

"I'm going to go k*ll myself."

Peter told him to stop at some point. Wade had only confronted him, making Wade the victim.

Almost every week, Peter was worried Wade would actually do it. And he didn't want him to. At all.

Wade made him miss work on multiple occasions. It stressed him so much, but the next time they'd see each other, Wade pretended it never happened.

He could never confront Wade though. He had no chance on getting his words in.


Peter decided to take a break from work and spend time with Wade and then he was back to normal.

They cuddled and watched movies. Played video games and made food. Peter had stayed for a week.

When Peter was finally leaving, Wade stopped him. He needed to speak about something very important, so Peter sat down and listened.

"Do you want to move in with me?"

Peter had froze. Of course he did! But he only knew Wade's obsession would get worse.

Wade had Peter where he wanted him.

"Can I think about it first? I know you're going to spoil and spend your money on me." Peter laughed.

Wade smiled. "Well, of course, baby boy!"

"Why do you think I've been working so hard?" Peter whispered.

Wade sighed. "Petey, I have enough money in the world to last a lifetime. You don't need to spend your money."

"I don't want you to, though. I want us to have a healthy relationship." Peter smiled.

Wade didn't believe it. "You don't, do you? I messed up again. I'm sorry." Wade whispered.

Peter hesitated. He didn't know what to do. Wade was either guilt tripping him or being serious.

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