"The Lab Partner."

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A.N. Hello😈😈👿 I'm back with another chapter enjoy!!!!! Shout out to HumpaLumpA😔 you will be missed buddy

Peter was walking towards Chemistry. He has this class with a new student. Wayne? Will? Wade? Peter didn't really know, but he's been staring at Peter for awhile. It's kind of creeping him out.

It was Peter's last class, and Wade so happened to share it with him.

Peter walked in and sat in his seat, right next to the window. His teacher was sitting peacefully, waiting for the classroom to fill up.

And in strolled Wade. The teacher looked up and smiled. She motioned Wade over to her desk. They chatted for a bit.

Peter was too busy staring out of the window. It was a rainy and cold day, but those days were Peter's favorite.

He loved to swing in the streets, in the rain. All of the smells. It was the only time New York didn't smell like a hot dump truck full of rotting barf.

Well, maybe a little.

Peter looked up from his desk. The teacher was pointing at him. Peter panicked. Am I in trouble?

Wade looked over at Peter and smiled. Peter looked down, preparing himself because Wade was walking towards him. He plopped down, facing Peter.

"Hey. I've seen you around a lot, but I never caught your name?"

Peter looked over at Wade. He had blonde medium length hair and blue eyes. Peter didn't realize he was staring. He quickly looked away. "Peter."

Wade smirked. "Cute." He mumbled. "I'm Wade."

Peter flushed and turned in his seat to take his folder out.

The teacher interrupted. "Alright we have a new student. Wade say hello. I'm not gonna make you do the whole introduction thing." The teacher smiled, motioning with her hands.

This was why she was Peter's favorite. The teacher was a total badass. She never cared what you did in class, as long as you did your work by the end of the day. It was a shock she wasn't fired.

Wade seemed to like her too, because he gave her a nice, big smile.

"There's a new project. Don't say anything yet. Jesus." She rubbed her temples, as students slouched and groaned in their seats.

Flash was about to interrupt. Yes that flash. He had the worst humor. One of those 'I like your cut g' and who moans all the time in the hallway. Then is homophobic at the same time.

Peter could rant about him all day. The way he dressed like he was such a cool guy. He's always interrupting teachers. It's honestly just embarrassing.

The fact he bullied Peter too. Peter didn't know why, if he didn't know better, he'd say flash was jealous.

Peter snapped back to the teacher's attention.

"It's going to be extra credit. We're gonna do some junior high stuff. It's a little more on the science side too, but I think you'll enjoy it." She walked around. "You can have partners. You're going to make a model out of any property you want. The positives, negatives, all that jazz. It can be out of clay, maybe metal if you want."

Peter frowned. He always liked a challenge. He'd probably finish this in a day.

"You have till next week." She added, sitting back down.

Peter rolled his eyes. It was Wednesday.

"Since I don't have any materials, you can just have the rest of the period to brainstorm. If you don't have the materials at home you can talk to me after class if you want." She smiled.

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