"I thought you were dead."

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A.N. Hah maybe I lied about focusing on writing😬😬I've been babysitting still and been on animal crossing so I'm gonna start up again. I'm so happy school is over now🙂 enjoy!

Peter swung around town, desperately looking for action because he didn't want to go back home and try to sleep.

He wished he didn't have school. Peter paused and landed on a building, when he heard a rustling sound from below.

He peeked over and saw a red cladded man sitting up against the wall, blood gushing out of him.

Peter's eyes widened and he jumped down. He approached the man carefully and crouched beside him. He checked his pulse; nothing.

Peter sighed and stood up. The man didn't look familiar, but by the weapons strapped to him, he looked dangerous.

Peter looked around frantically for evidence but all there was, was the man and a huge hole in his stomach.

The man sat up suddenly and gasped. "Holy shit! That bastard!"

Peter snapped his head. The hole was gone! "I thought you were dead!"

The man stood up without any problems and Peter stood in his fighting position. "I'm not gonna fight ya...what's your name?"

Peter didn't falter and scrunched his eyebrows. "How did you do that?" He couldn't let his guard down to someone with so many weapons.

"Do what?" The man asked. "I can do a lot of things." He wiggles his eyebrows and Peter sighed.

"The huge hole that was in your stomach!" Peter motioned to his now, whole stomach.

"My healing factor, baby boy!" The man chirped, looking around.

Peter watched him skeptically. "So are you one of the X-Men's guys?"

The man laughed. "Nope! But I know Wolfy!"

"Wolverine?" Peter asked.


"So, who are you?" Peter asked, taking a step towards the man.

"The Merc with a Mouth!" He bowed. "Deadpool."

"I've never seen you around?" Peter tilted his head. He paused. "Wait! Do you kill people!?-"

"Nah-ah-ah, what's your name?" Deadpool asked, putting his hands up.


Deadpool smiled. "Yes, I kill people."

Spider-Man tensed.

"Only bad people of course!" He said, and made finger guns.

"Mmmm, ok." Peter relaxed. "You sure they're bad people? No one deserves to die."

"Yep. That's how it works, someone hires me, tells me their little backstory and tension between the person they want me to kill. Then I find them, kill them, snap a pic, and claim the moolah!" He rubbed his fingers together.

Peter tilted his head. "You're not involved with anyone else?"

Deadpool grasper his hands and giggled. "In What way? Like romantically? Business-"

"Business! Like-I don't know, S.H.I.E.L.D?"

"Nah, I mean they've tried but I'm more the alone type." He scratched the back of his head.

Peter nodded. "Well, I'll see you around maybe. Deadpool."

Deadpool jumped up and down. "Aweee thanks, Spidey! You're not that bad! Especially that ass! Whew!"

Peter laughed awkwardly and shot up from the building and headed home, skimming the city.

Nothing seemed off so he crawled in his window, noting his senses going off but ignoring them.

He didn't face the window for precaution and slipped into bed.

A.N. JESUs Christ I'm sorry🥺 I've been busy and shit. Sighhhhhhhh this is so short but I feel as if I should post now so it won't be longer until I upload so here and I'll write some more🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️😎😎

spideypool dialogue prompts Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon