"Mission Afterlife." Pt. 2

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A.N. Back again hahahahah. I did good on my exam, now just the one for tomorrow. Since I'm quarantined o have to do it in a zoom meeting😪 enjoy!!!

Wade and Peter were packing their bags. They had just blown up another underground laboratory.

"Well we fucked up big time..." Peter whined.

"Yeah." Wade agreed. "We need to leave fast-"
He was cut off by sirens.

"Shit." Peter cursed. "We better go now then-"

"But what about my chimichangas?" Wade complained some more.

"I'd rather live than save some food." Peter rolled his eyes, wrapping his bag around his shoulder.

Wade gasped. "HUH?! some food? chimichangas are my life!" Wade grabbed his gun and stuffed it in his bag.

Peter scoffed. "Just meet me outside, dumbass."

"Wait! Don't leave me!" Wade chased him out.

They were halfway down the stairs when the swat team made an announcement.

"There are two highly wanted assassins somewhere in this perimeter. Stay in your rooms and we'll take care of the situation. We'll give the assassins 10 minutes to hand themselves over."

They rolled their eyes. "Government amiright?"

They laughed and ran down the hallway. It was completely deserted, though that's kind of normal for an apartment. It was past lunch, so everyone was back to work, or panicking inside.

Peter stopped in front of a door. Wade rammed into his back, almost knocking him over.

"Ow! Petey, what the fuck?!"

"Let's break in here, go through the window, jump to the other building, and run to our car."

Wade nodded. "Okey dokey!" He rammed his shoulder into the door, ripping the lock from the door frame.

It was empty. The person inside was probably hiding or at work.

Wade rubbed his shoulder, Peter passed him and unlocked the window.

"After you." Peter bowed.

Wade bowed back. "Thank you, m'lady." He kissed his cheek and got ready to jump to the building across, which was a pretty big drop.

"Wish me luck-" Wade got cut off as he jumped.

Peter looked around to make sure it was safe and hopped out too.

Shock sent through his legs, so he sat down for a moment. He made sure to not land on his hands. Wade was doing the same thing.

They peeked out and looked at the buildings surrounding them. There was a faint buzz from Peter's senses, but that was it.

Wade got up to go to the other side, where there was a fire escape.

Peter's ears rang. "Wade!" He leaped and threw themselves back behind the ledge.

There was a loud bang. Probably a sniper, Peter thought. He sat up, Wade pulled him back down. "You watch yourself too, sweet cheeks."

Right after that the sniper threw a grenade. "You're a dumbass!" Peter scolded. "We're not students anymore." He shoved Wade's shoulder to let him up.

Wade flipped them over, his body easily covering Peter's.

The grenade was a little far away, so it didn't cause that much damage.

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