"The Lab Partner." Pt. 3

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A.N. Hello my guys I am stuck in Michigan. But here I am I probably won't post this till further notice but stay tuned none the less.

The following morning Peter woke up to his alarm. He was excited today, honestly. Now that he and Wade were buddies, Peter had more reasons to be happy.

He sighed and got up immediately, he was always an early bird.

Peter fished something out of his closet and got his school bag. May was sitting at the table, drinking coffee and watching TV.

She looked up and smiled. "Hey, Pete. How was your night?"

"Good." Peter walked past her and got a granola bar, he sat across from May and watched the TV. Some weather channel.

He never really liked eating breakfast. He had no appetite that early, and it made his stomach hurt.

He barely finished his bar and went to go brush his teeth, he had 10 minutes until he had to leave. When he was done, Peter kissed May on the cheek.

"Goodbye, I'm going to school!" Peter called.

"Goodbye Pete! See you after school!" She replied.

He headed out the door and down the stairs. Peter plugged his headphones in and walked to school. It was brisk and cold in the morning, it smelled like snow.

Peter continued on his little journey to school, the bell would ring in 7 minutes. All the time in the world.

He got to the school entrance, a few kids hanging out at the front, unbothered by the cold.

Peter opened the doors, the school was always warm.

He walked down the halls and to his locker, seeing mostly teachers getting ready for first period.

He picked his books up that he left yesterday and headed to his first period. Study hall.

This class, he sadly didn't have any of his friends with, so he quietly worked on homework. He had most of it done though.

After the period passed, Peter exited the class and walked to English. He had Ned in this class.

They talked about their book the class was reading and studied for an upcoming test.

Ned and Peter talked about school and video games. Ned would try to bring Wade up, but Peter would laugh it off.

The bell rang and Ned and Peter met up with MJ. They all had calculus together, the most difficult class other than physics.

Peter was glad he had already taken physics. It was a bitch, his grades went down really fast. He had barely passed the class.

They were all pretty smart though, the teacher was a bitch though.

It'd take him a month to grade papers, so the students' grades were always behind. Most of the teachers did that though.

Peter had 3 big tests covering the whole quarter this week. It was very overwhelming, even his brain couldn't hold all the information.

It was soon lunch and they all walked to the cafeteria. Flash was no where to be found, which relieved Peter. It would be so embarrassing if Wade watched Flash beat Peter up.

He'd probably stop talking to him right on the spot. Peter couldn't even imagine that without wincing.

They waited in line, Wade wasn't here either, which made Peter a little sad. He would've texted Peter if he was sick, right?

They sat down in their usual spot, only to find Wade sitting there. He smiled and waved.

Mj looked as if she was going to beat him up, but Peter happily greeted Wade.

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