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A.N. Heyyyy I was dealing with exams and now I'm back💪 All A's muahahah😈😈 halfway through school guys😭😭

It was a couple months in Wade's and Peter's relationship, and they were already fighting a lot. It was mostly Wade playing the victim and that he was "not enough and a monster and ugly."

Peter would try to make him better, playing the part every time. He'd try to tell Wade that he had problems too, but Wade would just ignore him.

It was really tiring. Peter would often stay at May's house to think about their arguments, then Wade would come looking and "apologize."

Peter couldn't leave him and he knew that he didn't mean it, and it'd happen again probably next week. Which it did;

"No one deserves you, Peter. You're too perfect and so-so happy!" Wade yelled. He didn't understand why Peter had taken a like to him so much. He didn't deserve it, he was a bad person.

"If no one deserves me, Wade, then who will I have left?!" Peter had tears streaming down his face now, but he didn't notice. "I deserve someone!"

Wade paused.

He's right, Wade.

Wade rubbed his forehead. "Whatever. I'm gonna go lay down."

Peter nodded, feeling neglected and hurt at how Wade could just forget they ever had this conversation. "Okay... I'll be at May's."

Wade frowned. "Why?"

Peter grabbed his keys and book bag. "You know why. I need a break, Wade. If we keep fighting like this, someone's gonna lose interest. I don't want that to happen. I like you, a lot, but if you keep playing the victim all the time and don't get over yourself, I won't have a choice."

Wade looked furious. "The victim? Peter, I was the victim!"

"Was, Wade. Your skin is fine. It's a part of who you are, now. People just like to make assumptions about you. I thought you learned how to ignore them."

"I know it happened a long time ago, but I can't move on." Wade sighed into his hands, hating the raised skin that kissed his equally raised skin.

Peter's heart hurt for Wade. "I know it's hard, Wade, but you're not alone. We can do this together!" Peter sat down next to Wade on the couch.

"I know, I know." Wade sniffed. "I'm just so m-locked up on myself. The boxes always put me down about myself."

Peter rubbed his back, soothingly. "We can take small steps. Build a more healthy relationship. Cause right now, I feel like you're using me for emotional support, and that's okay, but I need to be able to use you too."

Selfish bastard, whined Yellow.

Petey is right. I care about Peter. We care about Peter. Poor thing, cooed White.

"I'm sorry, Petey." Wade cried more tears, he hugged Peter.

We're too vulnerable right now. He's probably disgusted.

Wade flinched and hugged Peter tighter, and he hugged him back. "It's ok now, Wade. I'm not leaving, ever."

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