"Never trust a survior until you know what they did to stay alive." Pt. 1???

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A.N. If you read the Author's note then you understand I'll post every Monday and Friday starting today🙂🥰Enjoy precious

Peter ran through the forest, Harry close behind him. There was a swarm of zombies chasing them and today, the wave seemed to be twice as bigger as yesterday's. Right when they wanted to move their base and were vulnerable.

Peter focused on the ground in front of him, losing sight of Harry.

Ever since this crazy shit started, Harry and Peter stuck together. Most of their friends died off. It was hard times. Peter had to leave May behind, Tony, Ned, and MJ. He managed to get out of New York City and was somewhere in the suburbans.

Peter slowed down and snuck a glance behind him, he shot the few strays that stayed on him and looked around frantically. No Harry.

Peter panicked and traced his steps. No sign of him. Maybe he saw shelter? No he would've told me.

Peter heard gunshots in the distance and ran towards it.

He hoped that Harry was somewhere, he was the last friend to be crossed off the 'dead list'.

The gunshots got closer and Peter saw a group. Not Harry. One of the men whipped around and stuck his gun at Peter.

He raised his hands. "Whoa! Not a zombie!"

The man squinted his eyes and the others turned towards him.

"You seen a dude run through here?" Peter asked.

"What's it to you." The man spit at him, not moving the gun.

"Chill Wade. He's not a zombie."

Peter put his hands down and looked around.

"Yeah, actually. We told him to get inside, he looked injured." A scrappy looking guy answered.

"Can I go see him? We're kind of friends."

'Wade' scoffed and turned towards someone behind him.

"I guess, we're running low on people. I can show you around." The scrappy guy replied.

"Thanks!" Peter said, relived. "We were moving from our base and a whole wave came after us."

The man nodded and motioned him to come inside-well more underground. There was a hatch.

"None of them followed you right?"

Peter nodded.

The rest of the group hopped down. Peter hesitated before jumping down. It was some sore of bomb shelter. It was pretty big, maybe the average house size.

The weasel man jumped down, closing the hatch above him. "Well, I'm guessing you wanna see your friend?"

Peter nodded and followed along with the group.

"Well you can just call me Weasel, that's Wade over there, Yukio, and her girlfriend Ellie."

Peter awkwardly waved and Yukio waved back energetically. She seemed nice.

"You can just call me Peter."

"I think your friend probably found someone and got sent to the medics area." Weasel branched off  and Peter followed close behind.

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