The beat up boy on the subway

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A.N. AHHHHH THANK YOY GUYS SO MUCH FOR 3K READS🥺🥺😭😭 here's a (maybe) early chapter... also kind of a make up one 🥺👉👈ENJOY!!! ALSO THIS IS THE SOMEWHAT 50TH CHAPTER 😀

Peter had been taking the subway basically his whole life. He loved taking the train so much.

Especially as a kid. His little grabby hands clutching Aunt May's.

Peter didn't care if he had to stand on the platform, or sit on May's lap. Even the bland walls and stations passing by fascinated him.

Now Peter was 18. He still admired the subways. Now instead of May sitting with him, she scolded him to be careful of strangers as she sat at home. Probably reading a book with some coffee.

Peter took the subway twice a day, sometimes three if he's lazy. One to and back from school, or one if he's going out to eat.

But Peter has been paranoid lately. Although  he always is.

He'll whip his head around, feeling someone watching him. Maybe it was just intrusive thoughts.

Peter felt as if everyone was watching him in general. Judging him. Talking about him behind his back. Though this one person watching him stood out.

But once Peter plugged his headphones in, the world was his to own.

Peter walked down to the station and swiped his card. He stood in his usual spot. Sometimes he'd sit down and give it to people who needed it more than him.

Usually there's an old blind lady. Peter always loses track of time, trying to help her navigate her way.

But Flash had caught him after school. He usually just insults Peter, maybe a shove or two. Then he leaves, but Peter felt brave today and flipped Flash off. Which made him angry.

Peter had a bruised eye and ribs. The nurse had only given him an ice pack and a bandaid for his cheek. After scraping it down the concrete stairs outside. The bandaid wasn't even big enough.

Peter sat down until he heard the clacking of the blind lady's cane. He smiled.

"Hi, Miss."

The lady smiled. "Hello, Pete." She reached her hand out.

Peter stood up and softly grabbed her hands, guiding her to sit down.

The people on the subway were mean. Only seats were given to the pregnant. Sometimes not even then.

It was every man for themselves in New York.

The lady sat down, clutching weakly at Peter's hand. He smiled and plugged one headphone in his ear.

There's that feeling again.

Peter whipped his head around. Too fast for his liking, but he caught someone's gaze for a split second.

A man with his hood up.

Peter quickly looked away. Not what he was expecting.

The blind woman babbled. Peter nodded and agreed every now and then. Even though he couldn't hear her over the noise.

His cheek stung in pain. He'd have to disinfect it when he got home. School nurses aren't that helpful.

Peter's stop soon came, and he squeezed the old lady's hand on last time.

"Goodbye, Miss."

The old woman smiled. "Goodbye, Peter."

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