King's Request

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A.N. School stressss😏 three months with my gf tho🥰This is
A/B/O, so ENJOY💪💪

Peter was walking around his little village, doing his daily rounds of the stores, when another territory had attacked.

It happened often ever since the tundra's King had passed, breaking many bonds between nations. Peter hadn't come from any sort of royal blood. It was just him and his aunt in their little cabin.

May loved to tease Peter about getting an alpha, because since they were both omegas, they were pretty poor; no alphas to hunt or provide for them.

That's why Peter didn't worry much when they were invaded. It was mostly to show domination.

He just squatted behind one of the store stalls and watched, hoping that May was still in her cabin.

More and more soldiers came in. These weren't any soldiers though. They were the Vikings; savage rulers who had no manners. Their kingdom ran soley on their secondary genders.

Peter's blood went cold. What did the Vikings want from them?

The other villagers had scrambled, screaming that the Vikings were here. Peter had thought of finding May to make sure she was safe, but it looked too dangerous.

The Vikings started searching and searching. Loot and supplies were not what they were looking for.

Omegas. Peter thought; they were looking for omegas. What if they found May? What would they do? Would he ever see her again?

Peter badly wanted to go find her, but he was already giving up his hiding place, the village reeked of sour fear.

The Vikings grew impatient on not finding omegas, so they moved onto the cabin area. Peter wanted to get a better look, but he refrained. One of the Vikings were coming closer.

Peter held his breath, trying to mute his scent. The Viking smiled, showing his rotting and yellow teeth.

"Come on out, omega. Where we're going is far better than here, so come on out." His raspy voice called. "You'll get pampered and rich..."

Peter shifted away, making sound. Peter didn't want to be royal, he liked his and May's cabin.

The viking pounced, rounding the corner of the stall. "There you are..." He grinned. "What a pretty little thing you are. I could just take you all for myself-"

"Hey! What are you doing?! You know the rules, Edward." Another Viking peered over the stall, he looked very strong but also very nice. His hair was kept neat and his eyes shined.

"Edward" grabbed Peter's arm and dragged him up.

"Yeah, yeah. This one's perfect, though." He pouted. Peter tried pulling back, but the Viking didn't even flinch.

"He's for the King. We've been searching for months! You take this one and he'll kill all of us!" The kinder Viking shouted.

Other Vikings were starting to notice the smell...

"Oh, come on." He muttered, handing Peter over to the other Viking. He kept pulling and tugging. The smells were too overwhelming for him.

He tried disagreeing, but no one even noticed him. This is the end, He thought. He would be shipped off like some kind of prostitute.

"Settle, omega." The alpha holding him growled. "You are not in any danger here. The alphas know better than to touch the King's omega."

"K-King's?" Peter stuttered, the Viking pulling him out of the village entrance now. "Wait, I have to say goodbye to my aunt!" Peter tried pulling away again.

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