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A.N. Hello I am back with another chapter. I struggled so hard to find a prompt idea. Pinterest was testing my anger issues🙄anyways enjoy also there'll be another chapter soon....

Wade found himself back at Sister Margaret's. He was lonely and horny.

"Oh great it's the ugly avocado." Weasel groaned.

Wade laughed. "You should look at yourself, Weas. There's a reason they call you that."

Weasel rolled his eyes. "I'm fine with how I look. I mean I'm rich and I got chics."

"Oh really?" Wade raised his non existent eyebrows.

"Strippers dude. Hookers!"


They chatted. Weasel kept leaving to deliver drinks around. There was a sudden stirring in the booths area.

Wade didn't pay attention. People fought all the time and sometimes murdered. Weasel obviously didn't like cleaning up the messes though.

There was more yelling. It was a little muffled from the music, but Wade could hear it.

"Get the fuck away from me!" Peter groaned. "I'm on my break asshole!"

The drunk man had slid into the booth Peter was in.

"Oh come onnnnnn." The man pleaded.

Before Peter could reply, Wade slid into the opposite seat.

"Is this man bothering you?"

Peter huffed and pushed the man away. "I don't need someone else bothering me. Just go away before I punch one of you!"

Wade leaned his chin onto his hand.

The drunk man was still trying and Peter moved to the opposite end and kicked the guy in the face.

Wade winced. "That's going to bruise."

"Shut up!" Peter yelled. "I want to be on break in peace!"

The drunk man whimpered and held his nose, which was bleeding all over his clothes and floor.

Weasel walked over. "Are you fucking around with my workers?! The dude said no and you look pretty poor to me! Go fuck yourself outta here, man."

"Wait you work here?" Wade asked.

Peter whipped his head to look at Wade. "Yes, I do."

The guy grumbled to himself and stumbled out.

Weasel threw his towel on the floor and wiped the blood away. "This is why you go in the break room."

Peter laughed. "I'm waiting for Mj, asshole."

"She's in the back somewhere!" Weasel exclaimed.

"No she isn't! I literally check every 10 minutes!"

"Is she even working tonight?" Weasel groaned to himself.

"I think so?"

"You think so."


Wade laughed at them fighting.

"Shut up." Peter hissed.

"Go get your ass in the back." Weasel picked his towel up and motioned to a door.

"I have like 15 minutes of my break though!"

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