"Never trust a surivor until you know what they did to stay alive" Pt. 4

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A.N. Hey lovelies I'm back like I told you I'd be🥺🕶🤏 I watched Deadpool with my friend, because she's never seen it👀It was funny as always, and I hope you enjoy. This is probably the last part.

Peter woke up to a start.

"Sorry, Peter. It's your turn. I'm usually not tired, but man my eyes hurt."

Peter rubbed his eyes and looked around. He almost felt like he was in his own bed. But they were in the tree. It was freezing too.

"M'cold." Peter muttered, bringing his knees to his chest.

Wade sighed. "I mean if you want to crawl in my shirt. But you'll probably fall back asleep. Goodnight." He closed his eyes and dozed off.

Wade really wanted to hug Peter.

Peter frowned and looked for the dog. It was. Closer? It was in the same stance, just standing there with that look.

"Did it get closer, Wade?"

No answer.

Peter sighed. The dog looked bigger since it was closer. So Peter watched it as well. He wanted to get up and see if Harry was still there.

He stood a little and peeked over a branch. Harry wasn't there...Peter's heart skipped a beat. He looked frantically. It was the woods incident all over again.

He stood up fully and leaned over more. Still nothing.

"Harry?" Peter whispered. "Harry." He said more sternly.

Still no answer.

"Harry!" Peter said shouted.

Maybe he was hallucinating, because there was no one over there. Peter panicked.

"Harry!" Peter shouted again. Nothing.

Peter tried to slow his breathing, and crawled over to Wade. Peter shook him.

"Wade. Wake up." Peter was scared he wouldn't. That he was just alone.

"What? I'm trying to sleep." Wade opened his eyes. "Hey." He said softer. "What's wrong?"

"Harry's gone." Peter's voice cracked.

"What? Are you sure?"

Peter nodded and stood up.

"I looked-he wasn't ther-and I called for him. Weasel is gone too."

Wade walked over by the branch and looked over. Peter was right. No one was there.

Wade thought and looked over at the dog. It was still just standing there.

"Maybe they left."

"But the dog-"

"It's still possible Pete."

Peter looked at the dog. He wanted to kill that thing. It made him angry just to look at it.

"They'll probably be back. Don't worry."

"But the-"

"Peter! Don't worry about it. They're fine."

Wade walked back to his spot and sat down.

Peter stayed put. He wanted to find them. Wade didn't have what Peter and Harry have. Harry was his only family left, and he needed to find him.

Peter looked for a way to climb over to their tree. The tree spread out everywhere, so it should be pretty easy.

He started with climbing up more, and found a pretty sturdy branch.

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