"That's a new one."

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A.N. HEY WE ALREADY HIT 5K READS WTF?!?!?! here's a little story, but i'm working on Homework Buddy Pt. 4😏 ENJOY


Peter was lying in bed reading a book for an English project for college. It was pretty interesting. He was waiting for Wade to come home from his mission. Which should be in a few minutes.

Peter turned one more page before he heard the front door open and close.

Heavy boots echoed through the hallway and the bedroom door fully opened. Peter held his smile, a familiar feeling every time Wade came home.

Peter looked up from his book and smiled. "Welcome back, Wade."

Wade huffed in response. "Not excited enough to get up and give me a hug?" He took his mask off, revealing a pout.

Peter only rolled his eyes. "I'm too comfy. Plus you were only gone for a day." He teased.

"But a day is a lot, babyboy." Wade moved from his spot in the middle of the bedroom to the closet.

"Did you steal my favorite shirt?" Wade poked his head out of the doorway, his top part of his suit was already off. Wade slipped his utility belt off and threw it to the floor.

Peter sunk into the bed more. "No?"

"Ugh. Guess I'll just be shirtless!" Wade exclaimed dramatically. He tugged off his boots and tossed them under the shelf.

"Ooo, goody." Peter mumbled, flipping another page. His mind was starting to forget where he left off.

Wade flaunted out and struck a pose. He was wearing only gray sweatpants that hung loosely on his waist.

Peter looked up from his book and snorted. He'll just have to give up on reading for now...

"Mind if I join your book club?" Wade flipped his imaginary long hair.

"Of course! No one showed up." Peter frowned, playing along. God knew how much Wade loved role playing...

Wade pounced and dove under the blankets. He kissed up Peter's knee and thigh, seeing a familiar piece of fabric.

"Hey! You are wearing my shirt!" He yelled, seeing the shirt from under the blankets.

Peter shifted in his spot and put a bookmark in his book. "Guilty. What's my punishment?" He put the book on his nightstand.

"A kiss!" Wade slipped under Peter's shirt and kissed up his waist and hips. Around his chest and collar bones, until he got to his neck.

"Don't stretch the shirt out, Wade!"

"Baby boy, sweet cheeks, baby love, honey doo, my cream cheese."

"That's new-" Peter started.

"This shirt is my size," Wade interrupted. "which is like down to your thighs for you. It's already stretched out." Wade mumbled, his head now besides Peter's in the same shirt.

"And? You can stretch it out even more then!"

"My pleasure!" Wade sat up. "Won't be the only thing stretched out, amiright?"

Peter's head craned upwards, choosing to ignore the lude comment.

"Ow! Ok, ok, ok, ok stop. I was joking!" Wade backed out of Peter's shirt, kissing down Peter's torso again.

"Come give me a proper kiss, please." Peter whined, inching his body away from Wade's lips.

"Mmm later. I missed your ass." Wade propped Peter's leg on his shoulder. He kissed his inner thighs.

Peter sighed in response. "Wade." He complained again.

"Ok. I'm coming, Petey." Wade started kissing his way back up, he snickered under his breath.

"Wade. I'm serious. Stop teasing." Peter squirmed.

"Damn just a few-" kiss "more-" kiss "seconds." kiss.

Peter groaned in annoyance and waited 5 more seconds before dragging Wade up by the ear.

"Ow! I forgot you got a grip on you, baby cakes!" Wade came up from under the covers and slowly inched towards Peter's lips.

Peter was done. He grabbed Wade's jaw and connected their lips.

Wade made a sound of surprise. He pulled back before the kiss could get heated. "Wellyou did miss me!"

"Of course I did!" Peter leaned in to kiss Wade again.

Wade turned his face away. "Mhmmm."

Peter sat up and flew forward into Wade's arms. They bonked foreheads and fell back against the bed.

Their lips met again. This time it was definitely heated. Wade cradled Peter's neck and he was flat against Wade's chest.

"I missed you. Seriously Wade. I'm sorry I sounded not excited about it. I was reading." Peter buried his head into Wade's warm shoulder. The smell of sweat clouding his nose.

"It's ok, love muffin. You were in your reading zone. Plus you can always make it up to me later." Wade said in his dominant-bed-tone voice.

Peter shuddered and blushed. "Of course...." He closed his eyes. "But it's nap time now. My eyes are tired from reading."

Wade yawned. "I could nap."

"Long day at your mission?" Peter mumbled through his own yawn.

"Yeah. I failed at catching the guy, which I guess was good. I checked his records and it was clean."

"That's good." Peter mumbled.

Wade hummed. He closed his eyes too. "See you around dinner?"

No response.

Wade smiled and kissed the top of Peter's head once more, before drifting off too.

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