"Muzaka, there's no need to see me like that. Honestly considering the fact that it was a fight between the former Noblesse and the former werewolf Lord, it really did end too easily, didn't it?"

'One of them could have died... It's really too bad. Still, it's enough that they both used up a tremendous amount of power and...' Maduke looks at Reina who is already glaring at him.

'The princess is also on her limit, seems like she fought the titan... things have simply returned to the beginning, the situation isn't over yet...' He then looks at Garda who is currently standing.

'Garda must have also recovered a great deal of vitality while those two were fighting.' Maduke cannot help but smirk, since Muzaka is in his normal state. He will surely avoid hurting Garda further. This is great. He thought.

However, his smirk was immediately wiped out of his face when dark thorn-like spears emerged from the ground and pierced Garda from different parts of her body.

"Garda!" Muzaka shouted in surprise.

"Is that...!" Tao looks at the familiar spears.

"Why all of a sudden...?"

They all turn to look at Frankenstein and Reina who are glaring at Muzaka, their aura is flowing out of them in strong waves that gave the former Noblesse and the former werewolf Lord shivers in their spine. While the others who are watching slightly trembles at the surge of their power, Frankenstein's power is dark and menacing while Reina's pure.

Maduke glares at Reina, how can she still show this much power? She should be crumbling away...

"What is going on?"

"What happened?" The humans look at the couple, confused.

Garda tries to remove herself from the dark thorns but her body remained stiff. Her attention moved from Frankenstein to Reina and her glowing crimson eyes.

'Stay there wolfie.' Reina thought which almost broke Frankenstein's serious face.

"You two!" Muzaka angrily called the two who look at him nonchalantly before asking.

"What? / What is it?"

"I know you two are crazy but what the hell are you doing?!" He slowly closes the distance between them as his mind started to be clouded with anger.

"We just did the most reasonable thing in the current situation..." Frankenstein explained while Reina just shrugged.

"What are you talking about?! You think that attacking Garda was the most reasonable thing to do?!"

'Damn, he's raging.'

'He's calmer than I would be. If that was you, talking wasn't even an option for me.'

'You're crazy.'

'You're crazier.' Reina rolls her eyes at him as he softly pull her towards him before looking back to the raging Muzaka.

"Do you have a better idea?" He asked.

"What?!" Muzaka glares at Frankenstein but Garda's groaning attracts his attention.

"Judging from the way you were fighting..." Frankenstein started.

"... and the way that you were unconscious and heavily wounded when we came here..." She interjected.

"... it looked like a situation that couldn't be controlled easily... But based on the high level of recovery that Garda displayed during the battle, she may look like a mess right now, but if we leave her like that, she'll recover and be fighting again in no time."

Her Lover: Frankenstein (Noblesse FF)Where stories live. Discover now