Garda, Muzaka's most loyal follower, has long rusty red hair and eyes. She is known to be unfailingly obedient to the former werewolf Lord and seeks him out during his frequent travel. She might even have romantic feelings for the man. And this is all Reina knows about her. Garda would not turn her back to the former Lord if not for a reasonable cause... so what is it? The Noblesse watch as a tear slowly drips down the werewolf's cheek.

"Hmm... I didn't think that you, a Lord, would bring the Clan Leaders here. I would have gone to greet you in person if I had known that such a special guest had come to visit... The Lord of the nobles coming here in person and stirring up trouble is essentially a declaration of war, isn't it?" Maduke taunts the young Lord.

"I guess you've forgotten the fact that you sent warriors to Lukedonia first." Raskreia narrows her eyes at him.

"A few warriors going there is on a completely different level from you, a Lord, coming here in person." He laughs before looking at Reina who is already glaring at him.

"Princess, I didn't think that I would meet you again in my people's land." 

"Mainly because you thought you were successful, unfortunately, here I am." Maduke ignored Reina's jab.

"I would like to use this opportunity to thank you for the great power you bestowed upon me. If not for it, I wouldn't stand here, at the top." He slightly bows before giving her a fake smile.

"Bestowed? What an amazing delusion you made to make yourself feel better..." She returns the fake smile at him before looking at the unconscious Muzaka.

"Did you do that to Muzaka?" She asked.

"No, I didn't even lay a finger on him. Using your power at him is useless. That woman next to him did it. She once trusted Muzaka more than anyone but after being betrayed by him and suffering terrible pain, she finally got revenge against him. She did the right thing for herself." Maduke smirks as if he did Garda a huge favor.

They all look at Muzaka in surprise when he writhes on the floor as if in pain. He then stands before growling angrily and releasing waves after waves of powerful aura, scaring some of the warriors.

"Muzaka..." Maduke stares at the wobbling werewolf.

'There is something strange about him...' Frankenstein thought.

'It's the same... He is in that state... when we first saw him.' Frankenstein looks at Reina as the realization came in.

"Then he's not in his right mind right now." In his current state, Muzaka cannot recognize who is enemy or his friend.

"Garda, finish him off." Maduke ordered after seeing Muzaka's state.

Garda leaps off, preparing a very powerful attack to execute Maduke's order. Muzaka blocks her attack using a single hand. He growls angrily before crushing her hand in his fist while his gapping wound starts to heal slowly. Garda screams in agony and slashes his face to retaliate but it only left a small wound. Muzaka's eyes glint with rage at the pathetic attack. He thrusts his hand into her stomach, blowing her away. Muzaka jumps to punch her mid-air before holding her high in a chokehold. He growls again as he slams her into the ground and releases slashes that cause a massive explosion.

'That's it, Muzaka. That's right. Kill Garda. It will be more painful for you to kill Garda with your own hands than for you to be killed by Garda.' Maduke grins at the sudden turn of events and Reina saw what he is trying to achieve.

The smoke clears to reveal Garda staggering in an injured state. She manages to dodge Muzaka's next attack and retaliates with a slash. Muzaka turns around and counters it with an energy beam. The two charges at each other and another explosion occurs. They ignore their wounds and engage in close combat. Muzaka cuts off Garda's wrist with a swipe of his claws but she regenerates almost instantly.

'What monsters...' Takio struggles as he tries to follow the movements of the two werewolves.

Muzaka punches her repeatedly and kicks her before tossing her away. Once again, she recovers in no time and lunges at her opponent.

"They both have tremendous regeneration." Takio thought out loud.

"That woman, in particular, regenerates almost instantly as soon as she's injured." Tao nodded as the two of them spectate the fight from afar.

"They are fighting so fiercely without even a concern for themselves because of the regeneration." Takio narrows his eyes to get a better grip of the situation.

"Are they enemies or something?" 

"Frankenstein, if this continues--" 

"He will eventually kill her." Reina clenches her fist. She has to do something, anything. Muzaka will definitely regret this if he found out that he killed the only companion who stayed loyal to him. He would wallow in grief...

The two continue to trade violent attacks, ignoring their injuries and wounds because of their regeneration abilities. But Muzaka released a powerful punch that knocks Garda out.

Unconsciously Reina took a step towards the battle.

"Reina... what are you going to do?" Raskreia brought her back in reality.

"I can't let him kill her, he would grieve...he's Raizel's only friend aside from us... I have to." Reina clenches her hands before walking straight towards the two.

"Reina!" Muzaka groans in agony before charging blindly towards Reina who is blocking his path to the unconscious Garda. Frankenstein and Raskreia immediately charge after him to protect Reina but they are already too late, Muzaka's speed is powered by his anger.

The attack landed causing a loud explosion and dust to fly everywhere. 

After the debris and smoke cleared up, everyone was stunned to see Lazark holding Muzaka's hand, successfully blocking his attack.

"Brother..." Rael cannot believe it. Everyone cannot believe how Lazark, a mere pure noble without a Soul Weapon, was able to block the attack of the former werewolf Lord with just one hand.

Lazark throws Muzaka away from them, before scooping Reina away from the battlefield.

"But Muzaka--!" Reina stopped talking after seeing Raizel standing in front of Muzaka.

He puts her down carefully on the ground.

"Thank you, Lazark." She noticed the apparent change in his aura and the great improvement of his strength and power. It is a relief that her soul managed to adapt to his body and that his body accepted her soul.

"Princess." Rozaria greets Reina with a slight bow.

"It's a relief that you are fine." Raskreia interjected.

"Lord, I was with Lazark and Sir Raizel." Rozaria scratches the back of her head. The aura of those two almost suffocated her, their silence only added to the pressure she felt.

Raskreia nods her head in understanding. Of course, Rozaria would be safe if she was with those two.

"I'll handle this." Raskreia walks towards Raizel.

"This is something that I have to do." He countered while his gaze is still pinned to Muzaka.

"Do you really have to do this?" She cannot understand where his stubbornness is coming from. If this is just about dealing with Muzaka, then the best course of action for her to fight him. This way, Raizel wouldn't need to use his remaining life force.

"I once betrayed his trust. The reason why he is in that state is partly because of me." The former Noblesse looks at his friend with sadness. Reina places her hand gently on Raskreia's shoulders as if to say "let him".

Garda regains consciousness and angrily charges at Muzaka who growls at her before releasing a powerful punch that knocks the air out of her lungs.

Raizel places himself in between the coughing Garda and the growling Muzaka. The former werewolf Lord glares at him...

"Rai... zel!" he shouted before charging towards Raizel with so much rage. Raizel lifts his arm to block the incoming attack.

Author's Note:

Hmm... What do you think will happen next???

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