Amy furrowed her brows as if she was trying hard to found something I told.

"See!" I exclaimed and pointed to his hand on Amy's side.

Amy followed my gaze and we waited silently. A few minutes later, there was a slight twitch in Lisa's index finger.

Lisa is awake!

Amy smiled at me and then called Lisa, but Lisa didn't respond anymore. He fell asleep again.

"Lisa, baby. Lisa... Wake up, please, baby. I miss you so much," I said while kissing his forehead. "Please, baby..." I put my hand and stroked his head while my other hand did not let go of my grip on him.

I pull myself up, and we look at Lisa's face again, waiting for him to open his eyes.

And that's what happened. Lisa's eyes moved behind his eyelids, then very slowly he struggling to open his eyes, he blinked many times, and his eyebrows started to crease deeper. As his eyes seem to adjust to the light, Lisa closes his eyes again.

"Baby..." My hand went down and stroked his cheek gently.

Slowly his eyes opened again, and he looked at me. My favorite hazel eyes stare at me and blink.

"... e..." he let out an indistinct voice again. His voice was very hoarse. I immediately get a drink on the bedside table.

"Wait," said Amy, who then waited for Lisa for a while before she started checking on Lisa. Then Amy pointed a small flashlight at Lisa's eyes. "Follow this light," she said, and she started moving the flashlight in several directions.

"Can you raise your hand," Amy ordered, and we watched his hand slowly move.

"Your feet," she ordered again as she pushed the blanket off Lisa's feet, and our eyes shifted to it.

Just like his hands, Lisa's legs moved slightly. But when he tried to move his injured leg we saw him struggling, he even made a little noise.

Amy then asked Lisa about general things like did he remember his name and what happened before. "Welcome back, Lisa," Amy said with a big smile after Lisa gave an answer to all her question by slightly nodding his head. That means he doesn't have amnesia. I could see her eyes were slightly teary. She must be just like the rest of us, hoping and waiting for Lisa to wake up.

She nods at me to give Lisa a drink through a straw. Lisa drinks very slowly. I also slightly hold the straw so he doesn't choke. As per Amy's orders.

"... Jennie..." he said in a clearer voice after he drank a glass of water.

"Baby..." I put my hands on his cheeks after putting the water glass back on the table. I kissed his forehead and cheeks, which were then wet with my tears. I felt his hand reach over to me. He raised his hand and placed it weakly at my side.

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