
"Impossible!" Jaejoong exclaims as he stands breaking the silence of the meeting room where everyone's gaze is on Lisa, but now on Jaejoong.

"Impossible!" He exclaimed again. "A lowly person like you can't possibly be a Manoban," he said. We were all too shocked to receive the huge information about the Manoban family heir, so no one could respond to the words Jaejoong uttered.

"Well, thank you for the compliment" Lisa, who is still leaning back, responds to Jaejoong's words with a smile. "Sorry I didn't mean to surprise you," he said, staring at me. I was still shocked about who he was. He looked at me anxiously, looking and trying to read how I was processing this information. Apart from that, I could see that he looked doubtful and a little scared. As if he was afraid of my thought at him.

"No, no, no, This can't be!" Jaejoong's exclamation took Lisa's gaze away from me. He stared back at Jaejoong flatly. "This lowly criminal can't be Marco Manoban's son!" he said.

"Sorry. We cannot accept accusations -" Mr Han started speaking with furrowed brows but stopped after Lisa raised his hand. He looked at Lisa and sat back down after Lisa nodded, then he leaned over and put both elbows on the table. He is very charismatic and look dangerous at the same time.

"Mr Kim Jaejoong. The accusation you are making is very unpleasant and very damaging to our family's good name because you are making accusations that are not proven, apart from the choice of words that you have directed at me. Of course, I can sue you after canceling all cooperation between Manoban Group and Kim Inc except for this transaction, of course." He nodded again at Mr Han, who immediately stood up with a document folder regarding the transaction of 25% shares of YG Adv. I can see Mr Kim snapping from his shock and pulling Jaejoong back down, and looking scolding him silently.

Mr Han stood next to Lisa and put an open document folder where it needed to be signed. Lisa did not sign it right away but asked something, confirming that Mr Han had previously perused the contents of the document.

"Is that registered?" he asked.

"Yes, here," Mr Han turned the previous page he had marked and pointed out the point Lisa meant. Lisa read it and nodded. Then sign the document. We all held our breath waiting for Lisa to sign the documents and breathed a sigh of relief when he finished. The document was brought back by Mr Han, who returned to his seat.

"As I said before, I could sue Mr Kim Jaejoong for damaging our reputation for his unproven accusations," Lisa said in an authoritarian voice that I had never heard before.

"Of course there is the proof, this!" Jaejoong shows his own face and his casted finger. "You have beaten me, and of course you have beaten -"

"Jaejoong!" Mr Kim exclaimed angrily at Jaejoong's out-of-control attitude.

"Oh. Regarding that, I apologize to you, Mr Kim," Lisa said and I know there is no regret in his tone. "As you know, Jaejoong and I went to the same university, and like young people are, we misunderstood some things so we fought. As you can see, this is also the result of our misunderstanding." He pointed at his own face.

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