"Lisa's condition when he was brought to LA was still unconscious. Doctors in Korea have tried to provide early help, but because he lost quite a lot of blood, so Lisa was in a coma." Rosie sighed. I looked at her with teary eyes and a lump on my throat but didn't say anything. "When he regained consciousness, he was amnesic. The doctor said it was normal for someone to experience Post-Traumatic Amnesia due to Traumatic Brain Injury like what he had experienced. Besides, the doctor was expecting it because he was in a coma for a month. He didn't remember anything, even his own name. That was one reason he didn't tell us right away. Not because he didn't want to, but because initially, for 3 months since he woke up from his coma, he didn't remember us," I shed tears, which I wiped straight away. Rosie's eyes also looked teary.

"For 3 months, he didn't remember, he underwent several tests for surgery on his left knee. Amy was one of the interns who aims to take Orthopedics and Traumatology Specialists. She was the one who took care of Lisa and monitored him. Of course, with the supervision of his main doctor. That was where Amy met Lisa. She was concerned about Lisa, especially because he was still 16 years old and also she was the daughter of uncle Marco's aquintance. Lisa's knee surgery could only be done 2 months after he came to his senses because they had to make sure his condition was really fit to undergo quite complex surgery. After all, they had to replace all parts of his knee bone, his shell and joints, and pads and part of his thigh bone, as well as, some of his shins and calves. I didn't really get it, but that was what Amy explained to us. She calls it Post-traumatic Arthritis. After 3 hours of replacement surgery, Lisa still had to lie in the hospital for 1 full week. After that, he began to undergo therapy to be able to use his legs again and at the same time, continued to treat his PTA. Amy said at first he didn't seem excited. Firstly, because he was amnesic, so he was confused and like there was no reason or purpose even though uncle Marco had visited him and slowly told him who he was. The doctor said he should not be forced to remember so that his brain did not work so hard that could hamper his knee surgery schedule. And after the operation, he shouldn't be burdened because he was still in the process of healing." My tears flowed again, and I rubbed them continuously. I can't imagine how hard Lisa was at that time. He has amnesia but still has trouble moving his legs. And he faced it alone.

"One month after he underwent therapy for walking, his memory slowly began to recover. And 3 days later, his memory returned," Rosie smiled at me. Her smile was not sad like that earlier, but very sincere. "You know the first thing he remembered?" I looked at her and shook my head.

"You," I raised my eyebrows, my mouth was open, my eyes were still wet with tears, and my heart felt like it stopped. Rosie giggled at my surprised expression, and Irene squeezed my shoulder. I looked at her and she smiled at me now, just like Rosie's smile.

"That's right, Jennie. You were the first he remembered. Not me and not Jisoo. Do you know how we felt when we heard that story?" she said, holding onto the chest where her heart was in mock offense. Then looked at me and smiled mischievously. "If you don't believe it, ask Amy, who witnessed it herself. Not even his father or himself. She said that Lisa suddenly said your name, 'Jennie?.' Confused at first, but a few minutes later, his eyes sparkling, as he came to life again, and he mentioned your name more firmly. Amy said that it was the first time she had seen a smile that was very attractive in her life and one that could make her breath stop. After that, Lisa began to get excited about his treatment and came alive as he remembered more things. Since then, he smiled more often, made the nurses liked him a lot, and of course, Lisa was the hot topic there. Even Amy liked him too. However, because Lisa keeps talking about you, she finally accepts Lisa as her own brother," I unconsciously smiled a little relieved hearing Amy currently only thinks of Lisa as her brother.

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