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You came out of the cafeteria to the stage looking at the screen to see who you will be fighting.

"Y/N? Why aren't you wearing a cheerleading costume?"

You turned to see all the girls wearing cheerleading costumes and looking at you in confusion, you looked back at them as confused as them.

"Why the hell are you guys wearing cheerleading costumes? Did I miss something?" You asked.

Before they could reply Present Mic's voice rang out through the stadium, "What are those girls doing?"

"Hey guys, whoever asked you to wear those are clearly tricking you." You said thanking the merciful gods that you weren't a victim.

Momo collapse on to the ground groaning in frustration and embarrassment.

"Those perverts! They tricked us! And I spent so long making these costumes!" You turned to see Kaminari staring and laughing and was pretty clear who was the two perverts that tricked them. In revenge for your friends you shot a blast of water in their face leaving both of them soaking wet.

You heard Kirishima laughing at them while Kaminari and Mineta yelled at you.

"How could you Y/N!" Kaminari said pretending to be insulted.

You rolled your eyes at them before turning back to the screen.

Hm, I will be fighting Aoyama

You looked at the French like boy who was admiring his reflection on a puddle of water from your earlier water blast.

Should be easy, besides I know his weakness

You looked to see who Bakugo will be fighting and saw it was Uraraka. You turned to see Uraraka slightly pale at her match. You turned to Bakugo and saw that he was glaring at her

Good luck Uraraka, you will need it

Present Mic called out for the mini game session to begin and you left the stadium to get ready for your fight.

As you walked through the hallways trying to figure out a way to bring Aoyama down easily, you saw Bakugo leaning against the wall.

"Hey Bakugo! What do you think about your fight?" You said approaching him.

He looked up and rolled his eyes at you, why did he looked more pissed then usual?

You decided to try another approach.

"Do you know a way to knock down Aoyama easily? I don't know much about his fighting style."

Bakugo looked at you and walked away. What's with him?

But before you could follow him, you heard the game session ending and you decided to turn back and watch Midoriya's and the purple boy's hair battle.

You walked into the viewing area excited for the battle.

Present Mic introduced both of them and you learned that purple hair was Hitoshi Shinsou.

Not gonna lie he looked quite like Mr. Aizawa which confused you slightly. In the distance you could hear Todoroki muttering something about secret love child and Shinsou.

The moment the battle started, Shinsou started talking instead of fighting. This confused you a lot.

You started to understand when Midoriya replied.

"No! I told him not to reply!" Ojiro called from behind you. You remembered that he was Shinsou's team but withdraw because he couldn't remember doing anything. What was his quirk?

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