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The four of you ran and ran until finally approaching a nearby city-like terrain.

"You think there will be any people here for us to take out? It's pretty quiet here." You pointed out.

At that very moment, a loud announcement ran through the stadium.

"The first examinee has passed, by taking out 120 other examinees!" 

"WAIT WHAT?!" You, Kirishima, and Kaminari yelled in shock.

"Who could have such a powerful quirk to take out 120 other people?" You questioned.

"They must be so manly!" Kirishima exclaimed.

"I'm just glad we won't have to fight them at the moment." Kaminari said as he breathed a sigh of relief.

"WOULD YOU JUST SHUT UP AND HURRY SO WE CAN PASS THIS DAMN EXAM?!" Bakugo yelled at the three of you.

"Yes sir."

The four of you ran towards a bridge to scout the area and hopefully find some targets to knock out and pass the exam. Unfortunately, someone had beat you guys to the spot already.

A guy that had a bunch of meatball like things surrounding him.

"DID THOSE THINGS USED TO BE HUMANS?!" You screamed, clearly freaked out by the guy's quirk.

"The name is Seiji Shishikura, and I will defeat you." The guy said proudly.

"That damn hat is from that stupid school, Shiketsu High." Bakugo grumbled. Sure enough, Shishikura was wearing a hat from the school.

At that very moment, finger like blobs of meat came flying towards Bakugo, but before anyone could react, Kirishima pushed Bakugo and got touched by the finger like things.

Kirishima turned into a ball of flesh and flew into Shishikura's hand. In short, it was disgusting.

"Kirishima!" Kaminari yelled in shock as the three of you watched as Shishikura tossed the Kirishima meatball up and down.

"How pitiful, I expected U.A to have stronger students." Shishikura smirked. "You guys aren't even wearing anything to symbolize your school unlike me. It's great pride to be wearing this hat as it shows how brilliant Shiketsu High is." 


"Tch, what an ingrate." Shishikura said as the finger like things appeared again towards Bakugo.

But Bakugo was prepared.

"AP SHOT: AUTO-CANNON!" He yelled as he shot individual bits of his explosions in focused bits towards the fingers and destroying them.

"Hm, it seems like I shouldn't have let my guard down." Shishikura said as whatever was left of the fingers returned to his skin.

"I think those fingers are part of his skin!" You exclaimed getting more and more grossed out by the quirk. It was strong, yes, but it was disgusting.

The fingers reappeared again. "Don't worry, I promise that I will teach you how to fight with a dignified manner." Shishikura said.

The fingers headed straight towards you and Kaminari, instinctively you brought up a wall of water diverting the fingers, but that didn't seem to slow him down.

The fingers dodged and approached from behind you.

"NOPE I WILL NOT BE A MEATBALL!" You yelled as you shoot your flames at the fingers only to realized it dodged the fire.

Beside you, Kaminari was shooting weird looking projectiles from his support gear that Shishikura dodged like it was nothing.

Bakugo was getting pissed by Shishikura by how arrogant he was, how he was ignoring him, and worse of all, how he was targeting his girlfriend.

"FIGHT ME YOU DAMN EXTRA!" Bakugo yelled as he shot more AP shot Auto-cannon at Shishikura. Shishikura just defended himself with a wall of meat, protecting him from Bakugo's explosions.

"If you must know, I wasn't ignoring you." Shishikura stated.

At that moment you noticed fingers coming from behind Bakugo.

"BAKUGO! WATCH OUT!" You yelled.

Bakugo turned in shock at the fingers slowly surrounding him.

"My quirk allows me that whenever the fingers touch something, they become balls of meat like your poor friend over here and many others." Shishikura explained. "All I did was directed one of my fingers under the bridge and behind you."

At that moment, Bakugo tossed something towards you and Kaminari before turning into a meatball himself.

"THAT'S MY FUCKING BOYFRIEND YOU IDIOT!" You yelled, getting very pissed.

"Tch, your school is allowing relationships? Those only get in the way." Shishijura sneered. "Relationships will make you weak, and ever since All Might's retirement, we need stronger heroes. So come at me!"

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Kaminari getting ready to shoot his electricity.

"Imma just take a step back..."  You thought.

"Careful now, your friends can still feel pain." Shishikura said.

As you backed away from Kaminari's range he whispered to you. "Remember the things Bakugo threw at us? Throw it at him on my signal."

At that moment the fingers shot out again.

"Now!" Kaminari yelled.

You and Kaminari tossed the grenades that Bakugo passed to the both of you before he turned into a meatball. Shishikura was confused for a second before realizing what happened.

"Bakugo threw us those grenades while you were blabbering your mouth off. Maybe you should pay attention." You said.

Before Shishikura could do anything, Kaminari shot a line of electricity towards something behind Shishikura, electrocuting him in the process.

"Honestly, I'm unable to control where my electricity goes, that is why my Sharpshooting gear allows me control it." Kaminari admitted.

"Didn't you noticed, Bakugo used his AP shots so not to hurt Kirishima while you were bouncing him in your hand. Bakugo isn't as impulsive as you thought." You smirked while Shishikura grit his teeth in anger.


At that moment, Kirishima and Bakugo attacked from behind, knocking out Shishikura.

"Your quirk must have stopped when you take too much damage, that is why you fought long range." Kaminari said.

"Damn, when did you get this smart?" You asked.

"Thanks guys!" Kirishima said smiling at the both of you.

"WHAT TOOK YOU IDIOTS SO LONG?!" Bakugo yelled angrily.

"Be nice Bakugo!" You said as you slapped his arm.

"Uh guys? The others are waking up." Kaminari whimpered.

Sure enough, the other used to be meatballs were waking up and returning back to normal.

"Oh, this is going to be fun." You said smirking as you and the boys prepared to fight.

Uh, how is season 5 going on for you? Everyone breathing okay?

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