"We're going shopping!"

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"So, five of you has failed the finals." Mr. Aizawa said. "That five is Kirishima, Kaminari, Mina, Sato, and Sero." He said.

The five of them looked like they were about to cry. Poor them.

"But, the training camp is meant to improve your skills. Clearly the five that failed needs it the most, so you guys will be allowed to join the camp." Mr. Aizawa said.

"YEAAA!" Kaminari cheered.

"The only downside is that the first two nights you guys will have study nights with me." Mr. Aizawa continued giving the five of them a creepy grin.

"Someone has to teach Mr. Aizawa how to smile properly." You muttered to Ojiro.

"Yea, that is slightly creepy." Ojiro muttered back.


"I will be needing a sleeping bag, some snacks, new boots..." You said listing down the stuff you will need for the camp.

"Why the fuck do you need so much stuff?" Bakugo glared at you.

"Why the fuck were you listening to me?" You retorted back shutting him up instantly.

"Since we all need to buy stuff, how about we all go shopping tomorrow!" Mina suggested.

"Yea! Bakubro, you coming?" Kirishima asked Bakugo.

"Hell no." He grumbled packing up his stuff.

"Come on Bakugo! It will be fun!" You and Kirishima said looking at him with puppy eyes. Bakugo looked at the two of you and walked off.

"You wish you idiots, I'm not coming." He said as he stormed off.

"Man, what a party pooper." You grumbled watching Bakugo walk out of the classroom. Kirishima nodded in agreement.


"We're going shopping!" You cheered as you and Kirishima walked to the shopping mall.

"Over here guys!" Mina called.

The group walked around a bit, you could here Midoriya mumbling about something.

"Midoriya, stop, you are scaring the children." Tokoyami said and you snickered.

"Why don't we split up and shop!" Mina cheered. Everybody agreed and you and Mina headed off together.

The two of you had fun shopping, checking out the clothes, and checking out the camping supplies.

Finally the both of you stopped by a coffee shop to get some drinks.

"Soooo Y/N," Mina said with a small smirk.

Oh boy

"Is there any progress in your relationship with Bakugo?" She asked.

Your face blushed brightly easily putting Kirishima's hair to shame and Mina gasped.

"So something did happen!" She said, she grabbed your shoulders and shook you.  "Tell me everything!"

"W-what? No! Its nothing! Your question caught me off guard, that's all!" You said waving your hands around.

"Riiighhhtt." Mina said looking at you suspiciously.

Thankfully Mina didn't push you anymore and the both of you continued shopping, but you couldn't stop thinking about what she said.

Why would I like Bakugo? He is a jerk!

That why do you blush when people mention his name?

Shut up

At that moment, your phone rang, it was a call from Iida.

"What could class prez wants?" Mina asked peeking over your shoulder.

"Who knows?" You said answering the call.

"Hi Iida."

"Hi Y/N, I don't mean to alarm you or Mina but a villain was with Midoriya and talked with him. We have reported it to the authorities. Please meet up by the entrance to the mall." Iida said.

You froze.

"THERE ARE FUCKING VILLAINS HERE?" You whispered yelled at the phone. Mina's head turned to your direction at the word villains.

"Yes. please remain calm, the police are closing the mall, come meet us at the entrance." Iida said before hanging up.

The both of you rushed to the entrance where you saw Midoriya and Uraraka being questioned by the police.

Apparently the hand villain you saw in the USJ attack was at the mall and talked to Midoriya, while holding his neck.

He had disappeared from the mall right after that, most probably the work of the portal villain.

The mall was closed but on the bright side, you got all the stuff you needed already so it wasn't much of a problem.

Midoriya was brought to the police station for further questioning and the rest of you left for home.

Why can't you just have a shopping trip with your friends without being interrupted?

AHHHHH This chapter is short I'm so sorry!!!!


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