"Fuck you"

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You were nervous.

Nervous as hell.

Today was the UA entrance exam, you have been preparing for this day for months. Your dreams of becoming a hero would be accomplished if you could just past the exam and get into the hero course.

As you walked into the waiting hall, you bumped into someone. Great.

You looked up to see crimson orbs staring into your E/C ones. They felt like they were piercing into your soul.

"WATCH WHERE YOU ARE GOING YOU DAMN MUTT!" The owner of the eyes yelled.

The boy had blond, spikey hair, was kinda tall compared to you, and obviously has anger issues. He was hot, you will give him that, but he was a asshole and you hate people like that.

"For your information, Mr. Porcupine, I was looking where I was going. It was you and your arrogant ass fault for not noticing me coming in." You said crossing your arms together.

The blonde's eyes twitched at your reply. Congratulations, you haven't even started the exam and you were already gonna die.

Before the boy could skin you alive, a scarf appeared and held the boy back. Behind him stood a man who looked like he needed sleep desperately. By the looks of it, the scarf was working by its own. How?

"You both aren't even students yet and you are already picking a fight." The man groaned tiredly. 

"It was that bitch's fault!" The blonde yelled and you got pissed.

"Excuse me?" You said storming towards the boy but another part of the scarf appeared and held you back.

"Enough." The man said, "Just go in and seat yourselves."

Both of you nodded at the man but continued giving each other death stares.

How you hated this boy.

You seated yourself as far as possible from the angry blonde and focused onto the man on the stage, Present Mic.

Present Mic explained the test, robots all around a mock city, defeat them, certain bots give different amount of points. Sounds simple.

They assigned everyone to battles stations and the test started.

You ran into the mock city and started shooting fire at the bots. They were pretty easy to defeat, the test was too simple.

That was until the zero pointer bots came in.

You didn't understand why the hell they were worth zero points because those were huge!

Present Mic said they were just mere obstacles you had to avoid but they were doing way more than blocking people.

They were destroying buildings causing debris to fall on the kids.

You saw a boy hadn't notice a piece of debris falling down above him, you knew he would get killed.

You rushed forward and shot fire. The boy was startled at first, thinking that you were attacking him, but your fire was aimed above him.

He realized you just saved him and he breathed a sigh of relief before smiling at you and continuing with the test.

Before you knew it the test was over. You had did as much as you could and defeated all the robots you found. Man were you tired. 

You left UA and went back home, hoping what you did was enough to enter UA.   

Heh, sorry for such a short chapter! I promise I will make it longer over time!


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