"I'm sorry Bakugo."

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The walls and floor continued moving as you tried to avoid getting crushed, but this time the movements were different. The walls moved without any calculations, it was more hasty.

At that moment, a scream of frustration was heard, everyone looked up and saw Mimic who was clearly angry.

Midoriya activated his quirk and jumped up, kicking Mimic down. Nighteye who was nearby shot out his weighted stamps and knocked out Mimic and Midoriya caught him before he hit the ground.

As the police joined your group, they successfully arrested Mimic.

"Return the walls back to normal!" The police demanded.

"I don't think he can, his quirk was enhanced by a drug." Eraserhead said.

"Damn it."  You muttered.

"What about the League of Villains? there could be more around." The police said worriedly.

You looked nervously at Eraserhead, he had made it clear that if the League of Villains were involved in anyway they will pull you and your classmates out.

Sir Nighteye bended down and faced Mimic, "Is there any other members of the League of Villains here?" He asked.


"So in other words the rest aren't here." You said.

"Come on, we have to move." Rock Lock said.

"AH!" You yelled in shock, almost dropping him. "At least give us a warning if you regained consciousness!"

"Thanks a lot kid." Rock Lock said rolling his eyes. "I will stay with the police and Mimic to make sure he can't move anymore, you guys go on and save the girl."

"Will you be okay? Your injured." Midoriya said with concern and you nodded in agreement.

"I will be fine, plus, you kids have proved to be very strong." Rock Lock said. "I admit, I was worried that we are dragging in a bunch of kids into a mission like this. It made me thought about your parents, considering I'm one myself. But I have faith in you. Midoriya has proved to be strong and Y/N was brave when trying to protect me after I got stabbed." 

"Don't worry! We will make sure you can go back to your family safely!" You promised.

"Mm!" Midoriya nodded in agreement.

You, Midoriya, Eraserhead, and Nighteye ran towards a wall where there was obvious sound of fighting.

Midoriya easily broke through the wall and your eyes widened at the sight.

The room was full of concrete spikes, Mirio was standing in the center with wounds all over his body, and Overhaul was just opposite him.

Midoriya ran ahead and punched Overhaul in the arm, sending him flying. Eraserhead activated his quirk and stopped Overhaul from causing further harm, you ran towards Overhaul who was standing up and encased him in a water bubble, allowing him to breathe but no allowing him to leave.

"Wake up Chrono!" Overhaul yelled.

You turned around just in time to see Eraserhead getting cut on his arm causing him to slow down.

"Shit." Eraserhead muttered, he couldn't move fast enough to help his students if needed now.

Eraserhead lost his eye contact at Overhaul and his quirk activated again. He broke out of the water bubble and shot more spikes towards you and Midoriya.

You was pushed out of the way by Eraserhead.

"I refuse to let my plans end here!" Overhaul yelled as more spikes shot up, you shot fire at Overhaul but he blocked it with the concrete. "Years of planning and going behind the old man's back, only for this?! I refuse to let it end!"

Overhaul reached out and touched his minion's arm, they started to combine together. "I admit, Lemillion here was the stronger man, but his sacrifice for his quirk will be all for nothing!"

You turned and saw that Mirio wasn't able to use his quirk, your mind flashed back to bullet Tamaki was shot at.

"I DEMAND YOU RETURN ERI, NOW!" Overhaul yelled, he had joined with the other guy and had four arms now.

"He willing sacrificed him and his underling to combine into this monster!" Midoriya said in shock.

Midoriya ran towards Overhaul as you shot more fire.

A weighted seal from Nighteye was shot at Midoriya causing him to go back.

"Get Mirio and Eri out of here!" Nighteye demanded. He then turned to you. "You too Y/N."

"Nope I'm going to be a stubborn little bitch and stay here." You said as you ran towards Overhaul again.

"How annoying." Overhaul said as he got ready to punch you but you turned into a dog and climbed on his back before shooting a wave of fire at him.

Overhaul yelled in pain as you jump out of the way of the spikes.

Nighteye ran forward again and fought Overhaul as he regenerated the skin on his back from the burns you caused.

Overhaul got very annoyed.

Two spikes shot up and pierced through Nighteye, clearly fatal wounds were left on him.

You yelled in horror and shot a huge blast of fire towards Overhaul but he dodged it easily.

You winced in pain as you looked at your arms and saw it was covered in more burns, but it was nothing if it means Eri will be safe.

"You imbecile is very annoying." Overhaul said as he shot more spikes but you dodged it.

You were getting tired, the more you was using your quirk and your combat skills, you felt like collapsing.

All it took for you to pause, just a second, to breathe.

A spike pierced through your body, you yelled in pain.

Midoriya came rushing out to kick Overhaul away before running towards you.

"No no no no, Y/N! Please!" Midoriya said, there was tears in his eye.

"Go and fight Overhaul, Midoriya, Eri is more important!" You assured him.

Midoriya hesitated, but he went after Overhaul.

You laid there, against the spike as you heard the sounds of battle.

"I'm sorry Bakugo, I don't think we can have the future we hoped for." You muttered.

Back at the dorms, Bakugo wasn't happy.

"WHERE DID THOSE IDIOTS GO??" Bakugo yelled getting annoyed.

"I'm sure they are doing some important hero work!" Mina said in attempts to calm him down.

"GUYS! GET OVER HERE!" Jiro yelled.

Everyone ran towards the TV.

There on the TV showed the remains of a yakuza headquarters, apparently there was some illegal activity and the heroes and some UA students came and fought and saved a child.

Everyone's mind went to their missing classmates.

Sure enough, the camera showed Midoriya, injured. Uraraka and Tsuyu, exhausted. Kirishima, unconcious. And worse of all you.

The piece of concrete wasn't able to be removed on scene, some of it was still pierced through you. 

Everyone's eyes widened at their classmates conditions.

Bakugo dropped on the ground, and cried.



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