"Let me move into the dorms!"

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It was a day after the kidnapping, All Might has announced his retirement causing a sense of uneasiness through the air.

You were discharged from the hospital with no serious injury except that you were starving, you were then brought to the police station to be questioned.

It was tiring but you were finally brought home by the police, what a relief!

Your mom burst through the door and sobbed in your arms while you rubbed her back. Behind her you could see you dad trying not to cry.

You and your parents went back into the house and you collapse in your room.

You felt emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausted. You soon fell asleep.

That was how your day went for the next three days, you wake up, eat, went back up in your room, and sit there in silence looking out of the window.

Your parents were worried for you, you didn't want to talk to anyone at all.

You were actually worried, worried that you won't be able to go to UA after this accident.

The kidnapping also gave you some emotional trauma so yay!

One day you went down to eat and your mom went up to you.

"Sweetie, a letter came and it was from UA." Your ears perked up at the mention of your school name, you looked curiously at your mom.

Your mom took this as a sign of interest and continued.

"They said they have constructed dorms for all the students to live in, that way they can keep a closer eye on the students." Your mom explained.

"They said teachers will be coming over tomorrow to confirmed whether we will allow you to move in. Me and your mom will think about it." You dad said.

You jumped out of your seat. "Let me move into the dorms!" You said making your parents shocked. That was the first sentence you had said since the accident.

"We will consider." Your mom said smiling and you cheered and ran up to your room.

The next day a car pulled up and the driveway and rang the bell. Your mom opened the door and there stood Mr. Aizawa and All Might.

"Hello, please come in." Your mom said stepping aside letting the two teachers in.

They looked around and saw you walking down the stairs.

You froze when you saw the both of them.

"Mr. Aizawa! All Might!" You said bowing, they nodded.

You sat down on the couch, anxious to hear your parents decision.

"I'm assuming you have received the letter?" Mr. Aizawa said and your mom nodded beside you.

"Me and my husband have been thinking about it, and we have decided we will allow our daughter to go back." Your mom said smiling.

You cheered in delight but quickly quiet down.

Mr. Aizawa hid a smile at your reaction.

"Very well then, we will see you at the dorms tomorrow." All Might said as he and Mr. Aizawa said as they stood up.

As they walked out your parents bowed.

"Thank you, for taking care of our daughter." They said.

All Might went into a panic and got the both of them to stand up and said it was nothing.

The two teachers drove away and you ran up to pack.

The group chat for class 1A was buzzing with excitement that night as everyone said their parents allowed them to go back too.

The next day, you waved goodbye to your parents and walked up the steps with your boxes up to the dorms.

Your classmates turned around and yelled in excitement when they saw you.

"Y/N!" Mina yelled and squeezed you into a hug. Kirishima, Sero, and Kaminari joined in while Bakugo rolled his eyes.

"Are you okay?" Momo asked looking at you with worry written all over her face.

"Please give her some space!" Iida said doing his infamous chopping hands.

You smiled.

"Alright listened up everyone." Mr. Aizawa said, everyone quieted down.

"I was told that actually the whole class knew about Midoriya, Kirishima, Iida, Todoroki, and Momo's plan to save Y/N and Bakugo, yet no one stopped them. I would expel of you except Y/N and Bakugo, but you did help save them. Let's go and have a tour of the dorms." He said and walked in.

Everyone was silent and guilt hung in the air, obviously Bakugo couldn't stand it.

He grabbed poor Kaminari and dragged him behind a bush, a huge wave of electricity came out and Kaminari stumbled out short circuited.

Jiro snorted and laughed and Kaminari and his stupid look, even you had to chuckle a bit.

You turned and saw Bakugo handing money over to Kirishima, something about night vision binoculars.

You smiled, Bakugo really has changed.

The class walked into the dorms and gasped, it was huge!

Mr. Aizawa showed the dorms and explained the arrangements.

"The dorm rooms are a big as my closet but I can manage." Momo said looking around.

You and Uraraka sweat dropped.

Your room was on the second floor, you were the only girl on that floor and worse of all, Mineta was in that very same floor.

By the end of the day the whole class had unpacked.

"Let's do a dorm room competition!" Mina said.

Everyone agreed and took turns showing their rooms.

Everyone except Tsuyu and Bakugo.

They went to everyone rooms and enjoyed the cakes Sato baked and the rabbit Koda had in his room.

Everyone had fun and finally knock off for the night.

As you lay in your bed, you smiled. 

You felt at home in this odd arrangement and you enjoyed it.

I'll see you again (Katsuki Bakugo x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now