"Is dating Bakugo fun?"

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The girls all sat in Mina's room hanging out.

It has been almost a week since you and Bakugo started dating and it was the best week in your entire life.

The other girls chatted, talking about their week, before turning to you.

"Say Y/N, we are interested with your relationship with Bakugo." Mina said.

"Yea! Is dating Bakugo fun?" Uraraka asked.

You blushed slightly and thought back about the week.



You woke up the next morning and turned on your phone.

The first thing you saw was a message.

My boom boom boy 🧡
Morning you idiot

You squealed in delight, it felt so unreal that you guys were officially a thing now.

You got dressed and went downstairs to get your breakfast before school.

Everybody was there but you didn't see Bakugo.

"Hey guys? Have you seen-" You asked but was interrupted by Mina.

"You baby? I think he is in the kitchen." She said smirking and you blushed.

You quickly went into the kitchen and hugged Bakugo from behind.

"What the fuck?" He asked but his expression softened when he saw you.

"Be more fucking careful, your gonna get burned." He mumbled as he focused back on the breakfast.

"Pft, why should I be afraid about that when I already have these?" You asked holding up your scars from previous burns.

"I just don't want you to get fucking hurt." He mumbled.

"Awwwww." You said making Bakugo pissed.


Everyone was just chilling in the common room, you and Kaminari was playing Mario Kart on the T.V.

Bakugo walked into the room and froze when he saw how close Kaminari leaned into you, you didn't notice because you were too focused in knocking Kaminari's kart out of the track.

"OI SPARKY! EVER HEARD OF PERSONAL SPACE?" He yelled as he sat down between the both of you and pulling you onto his lap.

"She is literally on your lap though." Mina pointed out while you looked around in confusion.

"Shut up! Its different!" He growled as he pull you impossibly closer.

You giggled and snuggle in.


You were in Bakugo's room just chilling and talking, Bakugo gave a soft smile as he watched you laugh, was it normal that he had a sudden urge to just grab you and cuddle with you all day long?

I'll see you again (Katsuki Bakugo x Fem!Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant