"My brain bout to short circuit too"

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"I don't feel ready!" You grumbled.

It was the day of the finals and you were panicking about the physical part, although Bakugo did help out a lot, his yelling didn't really encouraged you.

"C'mon, the written test wasn't that bad!" Kirishima said throwing an arm around you, not noticing Bakugo fuming at Kirishima's physical contact with you.

"The written test felt hard! My brain felt like it was going to short circuit and I haven't even use my quirk!" Kaminari said joining the conversation.

"My brain bout to short circuit too." You muttered in agreement rubbing your head.

"Hey, at least I didn't leave any questions blank for once!" Kaminari said proudly. "Momo's tutoring really helped!" 

"Bakubro's tutoring just gave me and Y/N a headache." Kirishima said and you giggled.

"My parents were tempted to throw us out of the house when they heard Bakugo yelling but I managed to persuade them to leave us be." You said.

You and your classmates left the class to change into your hero costume for the exam, something you were not looking forward for.


The whole class stood in front of a building with different UA teachers.

"I thought class 1B mentioned something about robots!" You heard Kaminari yelled while you tried to process the situation.

You were fighting the teachers?

"Oh hell no, Mr. Aizawa just give me a failing grade." You said backing out but Mr. Aizawa's scarf dragged you back.

"You are going to take the exam whether or not you like it." He said glaring at you and you sigh.

"But I heard a third year said they fought robots!" Kirishima said.


You were walking over to the 'Bakusquad' table only to hear Midoriya's table was talking about the exam.

"-and the third year said they fought the robots from the entrance exam, this is going to be easy!" 

"Wait really?" You said pausing and Midoriya looked up at you.

"Yea! At least that was what I heard." He replied.

At that very moment you felt someone pushed you making you almost tip your lunch on poor Midoriya's head. You growled in anger and turned only to see Monoma, the boy that made you wanted to yeet him to the heavens.

"I'm sorry, I hit the wrong thing!" He said smirking.

You snapped.

"No! Fifteen years ago, your mother gave BIRTH to the wrong thing!" You yelled at Monoma.

"Go girl!" Mina cheered from the table and you swore you saw Bakugo smiled.

Monoma would have fought you there and there but Kendo came and knocked him out, you liked that girl.


"Arghhhh, kill me now." You whispered to Kaminari as Mr. Aizawa proceeded to explain the exam stuff.

"Certainly, how would you like to be killed?" Kaminari asked smiling.

Before you could answer, All Might came flying down. 

"Don't tell me we have to fight this dude." You muttered.

"There will be teams of two but since we have and odd number of students and one exceptionally strong teacher here, we will have one team of three." Mr. Aizawa said.

I'll see you again (Katsuki Bakugo x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now