"How am I gonna choose?"

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You walked into the classroom, as usual you felt tired.

You didn't bother about anyone. You just wanted to sleep, maybe that's why Mr. Aizawa was grumpy all the time.

"Settle down." Mr. Aizawa grumbled. "Today we will be talking about your internship choices and your hero names." "Alright!" Everyone cheered.

"For that, Midnight will be taking care of this." Mr. Aizawa said as he crawled into his sleeping bag.

Midnight came in and briefed on how to choose a proper hero name. Shortly after the whole class was writing, trying to figure out their hero name.

You were stumped, What could be your hero name?

You watched as Aoyama went out first, "Mine will be, I can't stop twinkling!" Aoyama annouced.

"That's a whole sentence!" The class cried out. Midnight didn't seem to mind and shortened it down to 'Can't stop twinkling'

Mina went up next and chose 'Alien Queen'. Midnight shooked her head. "Its referring to a villian from a movie, I can't allow that." Midnight said and Mina groaned.

You watched as your other classmates walked up with their hero names but you couldn't choose.

Finally it hit.

You went up next after Kirishima and presented your hero name.

"The fire-water hero: Fire Droplet!" You said, slightly nervous.

"That's a very creative name Y/N! I approve!" Midnight said.

(I'm sorry if that's lame, I really couldn't think of any.)

Bakugo went up shortly after and presented his.

"King Explosion Murder!" He yelled.

You and Kirishima laughed at Bakugo making him mad.

"That is too violent Bakugo, try another one." Midnight said making you and Kirishima laugh even harder.

"Hey, I have an idea." You whispered to Bakugo while he furiously erased his previous choice.

"And what could that be you idiot?" Bakugo growled, still pissed that his first idea got rejected.

"How about you go for something more powerful? Like Lord Explosion Murder for example." You said smirking at Bakugo.

"Huh, that doesn't sound too bad coming from a dumbass like you." Bakugo said writing down your idea and going back up to present again.

Midnight once again rejected the idea making you and Kirishima laugh even harder.

"I can't believe you actually used my idea!" You said between laughs while Bakugo glared at you.

After that you and your classmates started choosing where to intern and it was honestly very hard.

"How am I supposed to choose between this two guys!" You groaned as you faceplanted yourself onto your desk.

"Would you shut up? You are so loud!" Bakugo yelled from behind and you groaned even louder.

"Just for that I'm gonna reconsider Best Jeanist and maybe come along and annoy you." You replied glaring at Bakugo. "Then again that means I will be with you and your anger issues ass and Tokoyami is way nicer then you so Hawks is a better choice." 

"I'm honored you see me as nice." Tokoyami nodded at you and you smiled at him.

"I'm so going for Hawks now if that means staying with Tokoyami for a whole week." You said ticking Hawk's agency.


You and Tokoyami stood in front of Hawks office, behind there was your favorite Pro Hero, to be honest you were freaking out.

You pushed the door open and saw the familiar red wings.

"Heyo! You guys must be the interns I requested!"



I stared at the gravestone, the gravestone with Y/N's name on it.

It can't be, she can't be dead.

I thought of all the fun times we had.

When she walked into my agency.

When we argued over the last chicken nugget.

When she purposely backflipped out of my grip when I was flying and falling seven hundred feet from the sky scaring the life out of me.

When she got her hero license and I was one of the first people she told.

When we went out and got chased by the paparazzi and we had to book it.

When we celebrate her birthdays.

When I teased her when I saw all the merch of me she has in her room.

When Aizawa gave me the green light to visit Y/N at the dorms whenever I want and we will stay up past midnight chatting.

I would do anything to protect her.

But I couldn't.

She is dead, gone.

We could have more memories if I came faster.

Tears fell from my face.

I could hear her hotheaded boyfriend yelling in the background.

But I didn't care. I don't care about anything anymore. I only want Y/N back. I want her to hug me and tell me everything will be alright. I wanted her to walk up to everyone here with that sweet smile on her face and ask why we are all crying.

I was by her grave for a week before Mirko finally convinced me to leave.

We met Hawks! Ayyyyy!!! 
Hope y'all are enjoying the angst, I have much more :)


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