"The bullet contained human cells."

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The next day, you and Bakugo arrived to class to see your classmates talking excitedly among each other.

"Y/N look! Kirishima debuted already!" Mina said holding up her phone to show a picture of Kirishima from yesterday's incident.

"Uraraka and Tsuyu too!" Momo said.

"That's amazing you guys!" You said congratulating your classmates.

"How about you Y/N? Aren't you doing work studies too?" Mina asked.

"Oh uh, I just didn't really had a chance to shine, but that's okay! I'm happy for the three of you!" You said cheerfully.

"Oi, no need to feel sorry for yourself just because you didn't get to show those extras what you got." Bakugo said sensing your disappointment on your performance yesterday.


"SHUT UP RACCOON EYES!" Bakugo yelled.

You laughed to yourself at your boyfriend's antics.

Little did you know, Bakugo was right, it just that you weren't around long enough to see it.

The day after, you and Kirishima were heading off to work studies again, Fatgum had said there was an urgent meeting.

As the both of you walked out you saw Uraraka and Tsuyu.

"Hey guys! Going off to work studies too?" You asked.

"Yeap!" Uraraka said.

"You too?" Midoriya asked coming out from behind.

The five of you looked at each other before silently agreeing to head off together.

But to the surprise of everyone, you guys took the same train, crossed the same roads, turned the same bends, and arrived at the same building.

"Mirio?" Midoriya questioned when he saw the big three outside of the building.

"Hi Uraraka, hi Tsuyu!" Nejire waved.

Tamaki nodded at you and Kirishima's direction.

The five of you got even more confused after entering a room filled of heroes, some that you know of and some that you weren't familiar with.

Except for Midoriya, being the hero enthusiast he is, he recognized everyone in the room.

You, Kirishima, and Tamaki sat beside Fatgum, a guy with slicked back hair, a business suit, and glasses stood at the front of the table.

"Fatgum, what are we doing here?" You asked curiously.

"We are being involved in a special case." Fatgum explained before turning his attention to the man in front.

You, Kirishima, and Tamaki exchanged glances before focusing at the front too.

"Hello everyone, I am Nighteye, I thank everyone for coming at such a short notice." The man addressed.

"We will be discussing about the Yakuza organization, the Shie Hassaikai." One of Nighteye's sidekicks said.

They then revealed that they have followed the Yakuza and witnessed a fight between the Shie Hassaikai and the League of Villains.

You and your classmates eyes widened at the information, why must the League of Villains always pop up?

As Gran Torino, the retired hero that took Midoriya for his intern, explained how he was following the League, a hero you didn't recognize interrupted.

"That's Rock Lock!" You heard Midoriya mutter.

"I'm sorry but why are these kids involved? They are slow to understand stuff like this!" Rock Lock argued.

Before you could say anything in you and your classmate's defense, Fatgum stood up.

"My trainees aren't slow, they are smarter than you think. Secondly, they are directly involved in this!" Fatgum said. "Tamaki got shot with one of the bullets and it effected his quirk." 

"Its true, although my quirk did came back the next day luckily." Tamaki explained as he showed his arm that he transformed to prove that it was back.

Mr. Aizawa stood up, you didn't noticed him in the room.

"My quirk allows me to halt quirks without damaging its factor, but this bullets do significant harm to the quirk factor. But Tamaki was able to heal overnight, the bullets are most likely still in testing phase." Mr. Aizawa explained.

"The Shie Hassaikai are involved in a large ring of drugs dealing, including quirk enhancers. Ryukyu's agency fought a villain that was using that drug." Nighteye continued nodding his head towards the hero Uraraka and Tsuyu were doing their work studies in.

"We have received the report on what the quirk-cancelling bullets contains." Fatgum said holding up a report. "Thanks to Kirishima's quirk and Y/N's quick thinking, we have managed to get a sample of the bullet to test." 

"But, what the bullet contains isn't exactly a kind of drug." Fatgum continued. "The bullet contained human cells."

Immediately, everyone's face in the room turned dark.

"Mirio and Midoriya was on a patrol two days ago, they reported that a girl covered in bandages on her arms and legs ran out towards them, she said her name was Eri and asked for help, Overhaul, the leader of the Shie Hassaikai, came out saying that the girl was his daughter and that she ran off by accident." Nighteye explained. "We believe that the bandages indicate that its her cells that are being taken to be put into the bullets."

Across the room, you could see Mirio and Midoriya froze at the statement.

"That monster! How could he!" Ryukyu said slamming her fist on the table.

"Its our fault we didn't save the girl when we could! This time we will save her!" Both Mirio and Midoriya said as they jumped out of their seats.

"It wasn't your fault, Overhaul has a particularly dangerous quirk, you both made a good choice to back out." Nighteye said. "The reason I gathered all of you heroes is because your agencies are scattered all around Japan, I want each of you to spread out and search all of Shie Hassaikai branches to find the location of the girl and proof that they are using her."

"Why not get the big heroes though?" Another hero asked.

"If we get the top heroes in, the Shie Hassaikai would get suspicious." Fatgum said.

"Can't we use your quirk to see if we will succeed?" Mr. Aizawa said.

"My quirk is Foresight, I can see anywhere in the future but I can only use it once every 24 hours. I rather keep it until we really need it and I rather not witness someone's death in our mission." Nighteye replied.

"Well that's a cheerful promise." You muttered to Kirishima was chuckled.

"So, does everyone agree?" Nighteye asked the room.

"YES!" All the heroes yelled.

The meeting ended and you and your schoolmates sat on a table outside the conference room, digesting everything you just heard and agreed to.

"Mr. Aizawa!" Uraraka said noticing your teacher stepping out of the conference room.

"Call me Eraserhead outside of class." Mr. Aizawa said.

He looked around at all the sad faces on the table. "Hey, I believe in you guys, I'm sure you will save the girl next time." Mr. Aizawa said encouraging all of you.

"As you know, the League of Villains is somewhat involved in this, I will allow you guys to join the mission, but the moment the League of Villains makes an appearance, you guys are out of this. Got it?" He said.

"Yes sir!"

Aizawa regretted that decision of allowing you into the mission for the rest of his life.

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