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It had been three days after the fight between Bakugo and Midoriya. Midoriya was now able to come back to class while Bakugo had to stay back one extra day before going back.

Since Midoriya came back, he was taking notes aggressively, clearly wanting to catch up with the rest of the class.

"Damn, Midoriya can write fast if he wants to." Kaminari noted as the both of you watch Midoriya scribbling down notes from other classmates.

"Its almost like those scenes from an anime when the character takes notes down." Mina noted.

"That's because we are an anime." You muttered to yourself.

"Did you say something, Y/N?" Kirishima asked.

"No, nothing important."

"Class sit down." Mr. Aizawa said as he walked in looking tired as usual. "Today we have some special guest so behave."

Everyone quieted down immediately. Mr. Aizawa then turned to the door. "You can come in now."

Three students, clearly older then your class, walked in. There was two boys and a girl.

"Class, these students are from Class 3A and are the top three students in the school. They are also known as The Big Three."

Everyone's eyes opened wide as the students smiled at your class except for the last one with elf-like ears.

The Big Three was a title given to three 3rd year students who are the top of the class and stronger then quite a few pro heroes. The moment they graduate, they are guaranteed to do well in the hero business.

"Introduce yourself first, Amajiki." Mr. Aizawa said to a boy at the end of the line with long hair and dark blue hair.

Amajiki looked up and stared at your class with an intense glare, you felt shivers run down your spine.

"He is so, intimidating!"

"No matter how hard I try, I can't imagine them as potatoes!" Your sensitive ears heard as he turned around and faced the wall.

"Potatoes?" You muttered.

Everyone was shocked at Amajiki sudden shyness but that was soon forgotten as the girl stepped forward.

"Hi hi! Don't mind Amajiki, he is just shy! I am Nejire Hado, but you guys can call me Nejire! And he is Tamaki Amajiki!" The girl said clearly excited. "We're here to tell you guys about hero study work!"

"Woah, your ears are so cute! Are they as sensitive as dog ears?" Nejire said as she stepped forward to take a closer look at your ears.

"Well they are-"

"You there, why is your mouth covered by a mask?" Nejire said as she diverted her attention to Shoji.

Before Shoji could reply, Mr. Aizawa interrupted him.

"Nejire, that's enough." 

"Sorry Mr. Aizawa!" Nejire said.

The last boy stepped forward. 

"The future is going to be?" He said leaning forward with a hand cupped around his ear.

Complete silence in the classroom.

"The future is going to be what?" Kirishima asked clearly confused.

"Awful! That's your part guys!" He said laughing.

Your class just sat silently getting more and more confused by the second.

"This is the big three? I don't really understand why they are the big three."  You thought to yourself as you looked at Amajiki who was still facing the wall, Nejire who was smiling brightly, and the blond hair boy laughing off his confusing joke. "Maybe we should be concern about our safety."

(side note: I love the big three, I am just putting down my own personal first impression of them don't attack me)

"The names Mirio Togata!" He introduced himself. "So, let's get started! Hero work studies! hm.." 

Your class watched as Mirio pondered on how to explain hero work studies.

"Hey, Mr. Aizawa, I feel that it is easier to explain to them by doing a training match with them. What do you say?" Mirio asked.

"Go ahead, do whatever you want." Mr. Aizawa said sleepily as he pulled up the zipper to his yellow sleeping bag.

"Right! Let's go to the gym!" Mirio said.

Soon your class was in Gym Gamma, Mirio was warming up, Nejire was hopping up and down excitedly, and Tamaki was just facing the wall.

"Mirio, are you sure about this? Words should be more then enough." The shy Tamaki said nervously as he watch Mirio warm up.

Your class was going to fight against Mirio 19 vs 1 student. You were certain you could beat him.

"No Amajiki! We should give them a challenge, we don't want them to be like that U.A student that almost stopped trying to be a hero because of some problems!" Nejire said.

"Huh? We aren't like that! We have fought villains and pros! We can do this!" Kirishima said boldly.

Midoriya started to arrange your class into different groups, you were in the long range fighting.

You watched as the short range team started preparing to fight Mirio who was looking very confident.

"3, 2, 1, GO!"

The short range team started running to Mirio but his clothes...

Fell off.

"HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK!" You yelled in shock.

You watched in shock as Midoriya tried kicking Mirio but failed as his legs went THROUGH Mirio's body.

"HOLY SHIT! HE HAS A STRONG QUIRK!" Kaminari yelled.

Suddenly Mirio went through the floor and disappeared.

"W-where did he go?" Momo asked nervously as she looked around.

Suddenly, Jiro screamed from behind. The rest of you turned around to see Mirio hopping out from the floor appearing behind you guys, naked.

Swiftly he kicked Jiro in the stomach and she doubled over in pain.

Trying to avoid looking at Mirio too much, you shot water at him but it went right through him.

Mirio went running for you and tried to punch you in the stomach but you shifted to a dog and dodge it

"Fuck fuck fuck, naked man after me, holy shit."  You thought to yourself as you ran off leaving behind a confused Mirio watching a dog running.

You shifted back and continued running as Mirio either punched or kicked your classmates in the stomach leaving them in pain.

He then turned his sights on you and went after you.

"FUCK!" You yelled as Mirio gave you a hard punch in the stomach that you didn't managed to avoid. You doubled over as Mirio went after Midoriya again.

That punch gave you a bruise on your stomach for a few days.



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