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You and your class walked towards the locker rooms chatting excitedly to each other, meanwhile you walked slightly behind the girls feeling lost and slightly lonely. That was until a girl with pink skin and hair came up to you smiling brightly.

"Hi! I'm Mina Ashido! But you may call me Mina!" The pink girl said, "I saw you and that crazy blonde arguing at each other earlier, how are you not scared?" You looked at her slightly taken aback by her friendliness and straight forwardness. Yes, you are pretty extroverted but not like her! She was a whole new different level.

"Oh um, hi Mina! I'm Y/N L/N but you call me Y/N!" You replied smiling brightly back at Mina, "And no, I wasn't scared of Bakugo, he is just a big jerk." "Wow! I wished I was a brave as you!" Mina replied as the girls walked into the locker room.

----------  ONE TIME SKIP LATER -----------  

"Okay everyone, we will be testing your quirks today." Aizawa said, "Bakugo, please come up here." Everyone watched as the hardheaded boy growled a bit and went up to Aizawa. 

"Here throw this ball." Aizawa said, Bakugo rolled his eyes and took the ball from Aizawa.

"DIEEE" Bakugo yelled as he tossed the ball. 

Die? Seriously? What kind of battle cry is that?? He should have gone with yeet or something

"705.2 meters" Aizawa said, "WHAT?! THAT GUY IS CRAZY!" A boy with yellow hair and a black stripe running through his hair. "I honestly think he should have a better battle cry other than 'die'." You said rolling your eyes.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY??? DIE BITCH!" Bakugo yelled with mini explosions popping out of his hands. "I BET YOUR SCORE WILL BE WORSE THAN MINE YOU DAMN MUTT" "Bet." You replied with a smug smile.

"Y/N, get over here and toss the ball." Aizawa called, you smiled and skipped over taking the ball from Aizawa.

You tossed the ball into the air and aimed a blast of water at it, you repeatedly shot blast of water at the ball until you felt it went far enough and let it dropped.

"850.3 meters." Aizawa said raising his eyebrows ever so slightly.

You smirked at Bakugo as you walked back to your place standing between Kirishima and Mina. "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?" Said Bakugo clearly pissed that you went further than him. "It's called talent boom boom boy, something you clearly don't have." You retorted back before turning your back on him and chatting with Mina and Kirishima.

Aizawa had to restrain Bakugo from killing you yet again.


It was the end of your first day at school! It wasn't so bad to be honest, the only thing that spoiled your day was the angry porcupine. As you walked out of the classroom smiling you bumped into someone's back and falling over.

"WHY THE HELL DO YOU KEEP ON BUMPING INTO PEOPLE'S BACK IT'S DAMN ANNOYING YA KNOW!" Bakugo yelled as he turned around. "Yell some more and you may just deafen me thanks to my sensitive ears." You pouted rubbing your ears slightly. "How the fuck am I supposed to know that?" He said, but you noticed this time that he didn't yell. 

"Oh! I just want to apologize for those stupid nicknames earlier, I was way out of line." You said sheepishly as you got up and scratch the back of your neck.

"Tch, whatever you damn mutt."

"Hey! stop calling me that!"

You started walking towards your home and noticed Bakugo was walking beside you.

"Don't tell me your house is near mine." You muttered as you reached a fork. Thank the merciful gods that Bakugo took a left while you took a right.


Goddamnit, that damn mutt is so annoying! And she lives near me! What the fuck?!

I walked towards my house thinking about my day and the new competition I can fight, but for some weird reason my mind kept on wandering back to the damn mutt and how badass she looked and sounded.


At that very moment I thought of how cute she looked earlier when she weren't sassy. Wait a minute, CUTE? WHAT THE FUCK SHE WERE ANNOYING, NOT CUTE! AM I SICK??

I ran back home, slam open my room door, and bang my head on my pillow several times before cooling off.

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