"Good luck, you damn mutt"

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You watch as Iida and Midoriya went off to check on Uraraka. You wanted to follow but experience told you it was best to give her some space. 

Bakugo came back to the viewing area and sat down two seats from you.

"Hey Bakugo! Weren't you a bit too rough on Uraraka? She is a girl after all." Kaminari said. You silently prayed that Bakugo won't murder the pikachu.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP SPARKY!" Bakugo yelled. "I wouldn't call her frail that's for sure." You heard Bakugo muttered.

You leaned over to Bakugo smirking slightly. "Was that a compliment I heard from the angry porcupine?" 

Bakugo turned his head so fast you thought his neck might have snapped.

"The fuck did you say, you damn mutt?" Bakugo threatened in a dangerously low voice. You slowly backed away.

Next up was Kirishima and Tetsutetsu's arm wrestling rematch. They both came forward to a concrete table, activated their quirks, and started wrestling.

It was a long one, but Kirishima won and you were proud of him! You watch as he help Tetsutetsu up, you could sense a new friendship blooming.

Next up was Midoriya and Todoroki's match. You were slightly nervous because those boys could be pretty unpredictable. One of their quirks broke their bones and the other created a HUGE ice earlier in his match against Sero. What could you say? Unpredictable.

They both came up and Midnight announced the match has begun. Todoroki wasted no time shooting ice at Midoriya. You watch as Midoriay dodged the ice and shot his quirk at Todoroki, breaking his fingers in the process.

You had always noticed something weird about those two boys and it was showing even more clearly then before.

Midoriya quirk was very similiar to All Might's. Even Tsuyu mentioned it on the ride to the USJ, and who has a quirk that breaks their bones?

Todoroki obviously had fire as his other quirk, like you. But he never ever used it. Only slightly to melt the ice he creates. 

You watch as Midoriya yelled at Todoroki, provoking him even more by the seconds.

If you want to live, shut up Midoriya!

As you predicted, Todoroki got even more annoyed, his ice getting bigger by the minutes. But you could see frost creeping up his hand. He is going over his limits. 

Everyone with a brain knows that Todoroki has to stop using his ice if he wanted to win.

But what scared you most wasn't Todoroki's quirk usage or his amazing power.

It was Midoriya willingly breaking the bones in both of his hands to win.

Just when you thought he couldn't break them anymore, he will rebreak the already broken ones.

You watch in horror at his broken arms, fingers, legs. 

What was pushing him?

Why was he so determined?

Why was he so willing to break his bones?

How was he still standing?

And what was he yelling?

Even for you with sensitive ears, the sounds of the battle below obstructed their talk.

"At this rate, all of Midoriya's bones will be broken." You said as the class looked with excitement, fear, horror.

Finally, you heard Midoriya yell the first clear sentence you could hear in the whole battle.


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