"Does anyone know where the bleach is?"

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*ahem* in my defense i was suffering from intense obey me/ tears of themis/ anime/ minecraft/ terraria brain rot therefore this chapter is late

"You should have at least held back a little, Mirio." Tamaki said as he looked at you and your classmates all doubled over and clutching their stomachs.

"I guess I went a little too overboard huh?" Mirio said sheepishly as he put his clothes back on. "Sorry all the girls that had to see me naked." He added

"Does anyone know where the bleach is?" You asked, still trying to wipe that terrible memory from your head.

"So, does anyone have a better idea on how hero work studies is?" Mirio asked.

"No, we just got beat up." Kaminari replied.

"What about my quirk? Do you think it was strong?" Mirio asked.

"Obviously! You were able to go into the floors and shoot out again and surprise attack us! It was a very smart and impressive move! I would like to know the nature of it!" Midoriya said.

"My quirk is called Permeation." Mirio replied. "If I activate my quirk, I am able to go through anything. Like for example the floor, I am able to repel myself by deactivating my quirk while I'm falling through the floor."

"That is still a very impressive quirk though." You said.

"Ah, but here is the thing, my quirk is only strong because used it so. When my quirk activates, I lose all access to my other senses because everything just passes through my body. This put me behind my friends for a very long time." Mirio continued.

"I had to learn to use my head to predict my opponent's next move. I gained that experience through work studies. I fought you guys because I wanted you to learn through experience like what I did. The moment you enter work study, you will be treated as sidekicks, not guests like in your internships. You may go through some really crazy events during that! But I encourage you to go and participate although you may be afraid so you can be stronger." Mirio said as he finished his speech.

You and your class applauded Mirio's speech. You were impressed.

"Wow, work studies really will improve our skills, I can't wait!" Kirishima said.

From the corner of your eye, you could see Todoroki looking worried, maybe because he was getting left out due to his failure in the hero license exam, you gave him a thumbs up as an encouragement to which he responded with a small smile.

When your class arrived back at the dorms, you could see Bakugo grumpily cleaning the dorms. The past few days you tried lifting his mood by visiting him or leaving him notes and snacks in the dorms. It did work a little but nevertheless, he was still grumpy.


"Here." Sero said.

Bakugo's eyes widened at his classmates insane amount of trash, especially Mineta's.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" Bakugo yelled before grabbing the trash and walking out of the room sukily.

"Bakugo is still really grumpy." Mina noted.

"Yea, no shit." You said worriedly observing your boyfriend.

"Have you tried anything?" Momo asked.

"I tried snacks and little notes but the most it did was not get him to snap and us too often." You said. "I'll talk to him later."

Later that night you walked over to Bakugo's dorm room and knocked.

"Go away you extra." Bakugo called from the other side of the door.

"You won't even let your girlfriend in?" You asked.

There was silence before the door opened and Bakugo allowed you in.

Bakugo's room was pretty neat, a nice desk with a laptop, some books, a poster of All Might, and the other usual stuff.

"What is it?" Bakugo asked impatiently.

"Are you okay? You seem pretty grumpy other than cleaning the dorms." You asked.

Bakugo was silence before he just walked over to you and hugged you tight.

"H-huh?" You said in shock.

"Just shut up and let me hug you." Bakugo mumbled against your neck.

You slowly sat down on the floor with Bakugo clinging onto you, you gently rubbed circles around his back.

You noticed that your shirt collar was wet, you paused before you pulled Bakugo off and held his face, you saw tears running down his face.

"Hey, what's wrong?" You asked worriedly as your thumb rubbed circles on his cheek.

"A-am I weak?" Bakugo asked.

"What? No! Why would you say that?" You asked.

"You have seen it, Deku is getting stronger and stronger with that damn quirk of his, and he only had it for a few months! Yet me, with a quirk that was with me since I was a damn kid, failed that exam and is falling behind." Bakugo said.

"But babe, you are strong in many other ways." You said.

"Huh? Like what?" Bakugo demanded.

"Well, you are really strong academically, you did really well in the midterms paper and I got better in my studies because of your tutoring." You said. "And your determination to be the Number 1 hero? I have never met someone so determined. It was one of the reasons I fell for you." 

Bakugo's eyes widened at the last part but stayed silent for you to continued.

"And it doesn't mean just because Midoriya became stronger you are weak. You are still amazing, he looks up to you." You said.

"Damn right he should." Bakugo mumbled, you chuckled.

"My point is that you are strong in many ways, and you are strong to me." You said as you cupped his face and looked at him in the eyes.

"That was cheesy as fuck you idiot." Bakugo said.

"Yes I know." You giggled.

There was silence before Bakugo leaned in and kissed you.

"Thanks, I needed that." Bakugo mumbled.

"The great Bakugo saying thanks to me? I am honored!" You teased.

"Shut up!" Bakugo said picking up a pillow and tossing it at your face.

"Alright alright!" You said laughing. "By the way, since I'm here I will be spending the night here." You continued as you climbed onto his bed.

"HAH?" Bakugo said.

"Yes, you get no say in this." You said as you pulled the blankets over you.

There was silence before Bakugo crawled into the bed with you and pulled you close to him.

You could feel his heart beating rapidly, you smiled as you cuddled yourself closer into his arm.

"I love you, Bakugo." You murmered.

There was another pause of silence.

"I-I love you too idiot." He replied as he kissed your forehead.

I'll see you again (Katsuki Bakugo x Fem!Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz