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It was 5:30am, Mr. Aizawa clearly thought that the beast forest from yesterday wasn't enough torture for you guys.

But the one that were most tired were Kirishima, Kaminari, Mina, Sero, and Sato since they were with Mr. Aizawa doing their extra study class.

"We were up till 3am studying!" Kirishima told you as the class walked to the field like a bunch of zombies. "Man, it was intense!"

You looked at Mr. Aizawa who was grinning. "I think torturing students is Mr. Aizawa hobby." You pointed out.

"Okay students, this camp is meant to strengthen your quirks. Bakugo, come up here." Mr. Aizawa said.

Bakugo went up looking bored.

"Throw this ball like you did on the first day of school." Mr. Aizawa said.

"Tch, that's going to be easy." He grumbled and took the ball.

Bakugo threw the ball and Mr. Aizawa looked at the device he was holding.

"709.6 meters" He said boredly.

"WHAT?" Everybody said while Bakugo stood there in shock.

"You guys had a whole semester and even encountered some villains yet your quirks didn't improve. Therefore, we have this camp." Mr. Aizawa explained.

He proceeded to handed out pieces of papers to everyone. 

"On this paper, it has the exercises you will be doing, each made specially to suit your quirks."

Sure enough, on your paper you had a special exercise. You had to make huge floods of water and then produce a huge hot fire that will evaporate the water.

You started to mentally prepare yourself for the burns.

"You guys may start." Mr. Aizawa said.

Torture camp has started.

You spent the rest of the morning and afternoon making huge floods of water and then evaporating them. It was painful but you managed.

By the afternoon, you had drank almost fifty bottles of water and your arm had first-degree burns. Other then that you were fine.

Finally at 4pm, Mr. Aizawa called and said it was time to cook your own food.

Your class and class 1B met by the lounges and started preparing to cook curry.

"Hey Y/N! Todoroki! Could you maybe light fires for us?" Mina called as you examined your now bandaged arm.

"Sure." You said lighting fires with Todoroki.

"Hey Bakubro! Can you light this up for us?" Kirishima called.

Bakugo went over and caused a explosion that blew up the fireplace.

"Never mind." Kirishima said.

The two classes had fun cooking and laughing and finally eating.

The food didn't tasted the best but you guys were so hungry you didn't care.

At nightfall, the two classes gathered again and the Pussycats explained the mini exercise you will be having.

"One class will be the scarers and will try to use their quirks to scare the other class in any other way. Class 1B will be the first scarers so class 1A will be paired up by drawing numbers!" Mandalay said.

Mina was practically jumping up and down with excitement but that soon vanished when Mr. Aizawa used his scarf and captured her, Kirishima, Sero, Kaminari, and Sato.

I'll see you again (Katsuki Bakugo x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now