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You arrived at the bus, it was finally time for camp!

What could possibly go wrong?

"Y/N! You're here!" Mina said waving at you. You smiled, this is going to be so much fun!

"Everybody please line up! We are going to board the bus now!" Iida called out and your class headed for the bus.

You boarded and sat beside Bakugo, across the role was Kirishima and Mina.

The three of you chatted all the way while Bakugo just stared at the window ignoring everybody.

Finally, when you felt like the ride will never end, the bus stopped.

"Are we taking a rest stop?" You wondered out loud as the class stepped out of the bus only to see that they were at a cliff.

"This ain't a rest stop!" You groaned.

"Why hello!" Said a voice.

Everyone turned and Midoriya started freaking out.

"Oh my gosh its the Pussycats!!" He cried out excitedly.

"They are middle aged aren't they?" You asked.

Bad choice.

Immediately the brown haired one glared at you.

"I am clearly twenty at heart!" She said.

"Right, sensitive topic." You muttered.

The Pussycats began explaining the area, until something hit you.

You weren't the only one, Sero's eyes widened also.

"So, maybe in three hours? You guys should reach camp." The brown haired one said.

"Guys? I just remembered I left something in the bus." You said turning around and running towards the bus.

"Me too, wait up amigo!" Sero called running after you.

The rest of the class caught on and started running to the bus, but the blond girl, known as Pixie Bob landed in front of you.

"Shit." You said.

She activated her quirk and the class went flying over the cliff.

"Kitties who don't reach the base by 12:30pm don't get lunch!" The brown haired one, which you finally figured was call Mandalay.

"But how do we do that?" Midoriya called.

"By going through the beast forest silly!"

"The what now?" You asked.

Sure enough, behind you was a forest.

Mineta ran forward because he had some *ahem* business to do.

But he was interrupted by a huge monster.

Koda ran forward trying to tell the beast to calm down but clearly the beast wasn't listening.

"Guys! It's dirt! It's part of Pixie Bob's quirk! Remember?" Midoriya called out.

He easily took out the beast, but there were still more.

"All I wanted, was a bit of stretching , not fighting!" You complained as you flawlessly shot a blast of water at a dirt monster that was approaching you.

"MAYBE STOP COMPLAINING AND HELP US GET THROUGH THIS WEIRD ASS FOREST?" Bakugo yelled as he aimed an explosion at another monster.

"Yea yea." You said destroying yet another monster without even looking.

I'll see you again (Katsuki Bakugo x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now