"Let's train together!"

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You walked to school the next day, happy that the doctor said that you could be discharged since the hit on your head didn't really hurt you that much. You couldn't wait to say hi to all your classmates and hang out with them like before.

As you approached the gates you felt a hand on your shoulder, you turned around to see the familiar toothy grin and spikey red hair.

"Y/N! I'm so glad you are okay! Me and Bakugo were worried about you!"

You smiled at Kirishima, "Thanks Kirishima! I'm glad you are okay too!"

As you both walked in you were tackled into a hug by Mina and Uraraka.

"Y/N! You are okay! I was so worried when I saw Bakugo carrying you out to the paramedics!" Mina yelled, "Everyone was so worried about you, Midoriya, and Mr. Aizawa!" Uraraka added hugging you even tighter.

"C-can't. Breath." You gasped back at them.

"Oh, sorry!" They both said together giggling nervously.

"Thank you Kirishima, but me and Uraraka will take her from here!" Mina said as she linked arms with you and walked off.

"So, Y/N tell me! Do you like Bakugo or something? Because he clearly likes you!" Mina said while Uraraka nodded in agreement next to Mina.

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" You asked but was blushing slightly.

"Come on! When Bakugo carried you out he was so worried for you and wanted to follow the ambulance!" Mina said.

"And when you were in the hospital, Bakugo was very worried, even more worried then Kirishima!" Uraraka added in while looking at you expectantly as you place your bag down by your desk.

"Don't be silly, he doesn't likes me, and I don't like him either." You murmured while looking for your pencil case.

"What are you looking for dumbass." A voice said behind you but you didn't bother looking up, "My pencil case which I most probably left at home." You replied not noticing Mina and Uraraka giggling beside you.

"Here, you can borrow my pencil."

"Tha-" You said turning around but stopping when you saw the familiar boy holding out a pencil for you.

"Bakugo, are you sick? You are usually not this kind." You said quickly getting over your shock and reaching out to touch his forehead.


"H-hey, I'm just joking man!" You said reaching up for the pencil which he eventually gave.

  "See? He totally likes you!" Mina said giggling over what she just saw.

Before you could reply you heard another familiar voice not to far away from you.

"MINETA! GET YOUR SORRY ASS OVER HERE SO I CAN BEAT YOU UP FOR CALLING ME OUT AT THE ATTACK!" You yelled charging straight towards grape boy while he yelped in fear.

"Okay enough Y/N." Mr. Aizawa said walking in looking like a mummy.

"Mr. Aizawa! I'm glad you're okay!" Iida said doing his hand chops again.

"Ya ya, listen everyone, our fight is not over." Mr. Aizawa said as he walked to the front of the class.


"More villains?"

"What do you mean sir?"

"I'm talking about the sport festival." Mr. Aizawa said as you all breathe a sigh of relief.

I'll see you again (Katsuki Bakugo x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now