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(Reminder all specials have nothing to do with the storyline)

It was the day before Bakugo's birthday and you and your class was brainstorming ideas for his birthday.

"We could all go out and hang out?"

"Nah, it's hard to see us able to drag Bakugo out."

"Y/N, you and Bakugo are dating, any ideas?" Mina asked.

"Uh, surprise party?" You suggested as you messed around with the switch you were playing on.

"I think Kacchan will blow us up if we do a surprise party though..." Midoriya muttered.

"Sounds fun, let's do that." You shrugged.

"All in for a surprise party?" Kirishima asked. The rest of the class raised their hands.

"Okay, listen up everyone, we will have Midoriya and Sato in charge of the cake, Mina, Kirishima, and Kaminari in charge of lighting and decorations, Uraraka and Tsuyu in charge of the food, and Y/N to distract Bakugo." Iida announced turning into class president mode.

"The rest of you will take care of the presents and help if necessary."

"If I don't come back y'all may assume Bakugo blew me up." You said.

"He is your boyfriend, he won't do that! Right?" Kaminari asked.


"C'mon babe! Let's gooooo." You begged as you tried to pull your boyfriend's arm.

"Where are the fuck are we going? You haven't told me!" Bakugo protested.

"We're going to the park you idiot, now moveeee." You replied.

"The damn mutt I know doesn't even want to get out of bed in the afternoon. Who are you and what the fuck did you do to my girlfriend?" Bakugo questioned suspiciously.

"I just feel like going to the park today now c'mon!" You said finally successfully dragging him away.

The two of you walked in the park, enjoying the breeze and the scenery around and enjoying the comfortable silence.

That was before Bakugo broke it.

"Oi, by any chance do you know what day it is?" Bakugo asked.

"Uh, it's Tuesday, and we get an off day today!" You quickly replied. "Has all that ego gotten into your head that made you forgot the days?" You teased.

"What the fuck? No!" Bakugo growled back

I guess she doesn't remember then...


"BE CAREFUL WITH THE LIGHTS IDIOTA!" Sero yelled at Kaminari as he almost dropped the lights.

"Where are the presents?" Momo asked.

"Here!" Shoji said holding a whole load of presents.

Be careful with the punch Ojiro!" Uraraka called out as Ojiro narrowly missed a falling light.

"I already told you to be careful!" Sero complained to Kaminari who was grinning sheepishly.

"EVERYONE, PLEASE COOPERATE IN AN ORDERLY FASHION!" Iida yelled doing karate chops at the air.

"Shouldn't you make sure they don't burn down the dorms, Shota?" Present Mic asked as he and Mr. Aizawa watched as chaos descended when the cake almost fell.

"They will be fine." Mr. Aizawa said.

That was before he and Present Mic had to rush in and stop the oven from burning after Kaminari and a light accident ignited it.


It was almost afternoon before you got a text message from Mina saying it was okay to come back.

"Let's head back babe, its nearly lunch time!" You said as you grabbed his hand.

"Yea yea." He said as he rolled his eyes and allowed you to drag him back to the dorms.

As the both of you opened the dorm doors, the both of you noticed that the lights were off and the curtains were drawn.

"What the fu-"

"SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BAKUGO!" The whole class cheered.

To be honest, they only got to the 'birthday' part because Bakugo shot and explosion at them to protect you and him. Thankfully he didn't destroy anything.

"I told you Kacchan will explode us." Midoriya sigh as everyone recovered from the shock.


"Anyways, let's start the party!" You cheered.

Everything went along smoothly although Bakugo yelled a lot, nevertheless it was great!

Bakugo's favorite gift was definitely from you, it was a toy of a hedgehog. He definitely acted annoyed when he opened the gift yet, the hedgehog now sat on the shelf beside his All Might figures and other precious stuff.

At the end of the day, Bakugo lay down in bed and thought about the day.

"Stupid dumbasses." He muttered while smiling to himself.


By the way, have any of you watched season 5 yet? Holy shit Hawks was so hot-

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