"Hey! Wait up!"

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"Why must exams existttttt." You complained as you and your classmates boarded off the bus.

It was the day of the provisional license exam, a very important exam in every hero's path.

Every hero-in-training needs to pass the licensing exam in order to be able to do work studies and help out with attacks without having to worry about being charged for using their quirks.

You and your classmates had train long and hard for this exam, but nothing could stop the fact that everyone was having last minute nerves.

Even your boyfriend was suffering from nerves although he won't admit it.

"Uh Bakugo? Breathe, your hands are shaking." You pointed out.

"My hands aren't shaking." Bakugo growled, you rolled your eyes. Why was he so stubborn?

Then again, that was one of the reasons why you fell for him.

"C'mon you guys, we can do this!" Mina encouraged.

At that moment, a boy who had a army cut walked over to you and your classmates.

"Sorry! I didn't realize I was interrupting you guys!" He quickly apologize and bows down so low that he bangs his head on the floor.

"That is some dedication, I guess." You said looking with concern at the boy's head which was now bleeding.

"I recognize those uniforms." Bakugo growled. "They are the only school that is on par with U.A, Shiketsu High." 

"Isn't that the hero school in the west?" Tsuyu questioned.

"I guess so." You shrugged.

"I am very excited to compete against the top hero school!" The boy exclaimed.

"C'mon let's go." A boy with the same uniform as called out.

"Who is that crazy guy?" Kaminari wondered out loud.

"That is Inasa Yoarashi, he was originally recommended into U.A and even got the highest score than anyone else, but for some reason he withdraw." Mr. Aizawa explained.

"Highest in the recommendation?"

"That's crazy!"

"That must mean he is stronger than Todoroki!"

You looked curiously at Yoarashi, wondering how strong could his quirk be that made him stronger then Todoroki.

At that moment, a lady with an orange headband, green hair, and a cheery face walked over.

"Eraserhead! I haven't seen you in a long time! Please go out with me!" She said

"No." Mr. Aizawa groaned.

"You guys seem pretty close." Tsuyu noted as Midoriya mumbled something about Ms. Joke's quirk.

"Oh, that's because me and Eraser's agency are really close and we help each other out! We are also lovers!" Ms. Joke replied shocking the whole class.

"We are not lovers." Mr. Aizawa groaned.

"Damn it, I was hoping that he had a love life but never mind." You groaned.

"I am a teacher from Ketsubutsu Academy! In fact that is my class over there, Class 2-2!" Ms. Joke explained. You and your classmates turned to where she was pointing and saw a group of students walking over with plain looking uniforms.

A tall boy with black hair and a friendly smile immediately stepped forward and shook Midoriya's hand.

"The name is Yo Shindo! I was you guys on T.V, you were amazing! Especially with all the obstacles throughout the year, you guys managed to overcome them like true heroes!" Shindo praised.

He turned to face your boyfriend and tried shaking his hand but Bakugo slapped his hand away.

"If you really like us and shit, why does your eyes says differently?" He growled at Shindo.

"Bakubro! Be nice!" Kirishima complained. Although you had to admit Bakugo was right. As you observed Shindo longer, you could see a look of unfriendliness in his eyes.

"No worries, its fine!" Shindo said as he brushed off Bakugo's comment.

"You guys should go get changed!" Ms. Joke called out. Her class went off to change and so did yours.

Shortly after, you and your class entered the crowded stadium. It was flooded with students from other schools, all talking and laughing.

Bakugo gripped your arm to make sure you won't get lost in the crowd as your class walked towards the stage as close as they can.

"Hello everyone." A sleepy voice rang out through the stadium. The stadium went silent as everybody's attention focused on the sleepy looking man on the stage.

"I'm Yokumiru Mera from the Hero Public Safety Commission and I will be the one to brief you guys on the exam." The man explained "The sooner we get this over, the sooner I can sleep."

"I like him." You said, Bakugo rolled his eyes.

"This year, the exam will be a bit different. Because of the recent attacks from the League of Villains, we decided to make the exams tougher so only the best will pass." Yokumiru said. "So, this year only 100 out of 1,540 of you will get to actually do the exam."

"WHAT?" Everyone in the stadium yelled in astonishment. "Not even 10% will make it through!" Momo said.

"So, in order to filter out the first 100 students, we will have a preliminary round. The round is pretty simple, every student will get three targets that you can stick on any part of your body but only in visible places. You will also be given six balls. You need to use the six balls and knock out two people each. If you found someone with two targets hit already, you may hit them on their last target and it will be consider your point." Yokumiru continued.

"So if I hit two targets and someone else hit the last one they get the point? Come on!" You groaned.

"Shut up dumbass! I'm trying to listen!" Bakugo hissed.

"The first 100 to hit two people each will continue to the actual exam. Everyone will be given their targets and balls a minute after the preliminary exam starts." Yokumiru said.

As he said that, the walls in the room you were in fell revealing the stadium with numerous sort of terrain in there.

"Woah, that was cool!" Kaminari said.

Everyone was given their three targets and the six balls and you and your class took off.

"We best not stay in a group as this will be a school against school, I suggest we split up." Todoroki said as he started running into a different direction.

"Tch, I'm leaving all you extras, I'm going off too!" Bakugo yelled as he grabbed your hand and started running off.

"Wait for us!" Kaminari and Kirishima yelled as they followed the both of you.

Bakugo groaned in annoyance as Kirishima and Kaminari caught up to the both of you.

"This is going to be easy though! I can just change to a dog and distract them or use my water to capture them, they won't see it coming!" You grinned, pretty confident that you already passed.

"You idiot, they will see it coming!" Bakugo grumbled making you, Kirishima, and Kaminari stop in your tracks.

"Huh?" The three of you questioned and Bakugo facepalmed.

"They would have seen us in that stupid Sport Festival on T.V! They will know our fighting style and our quirks you idiots!" Bakugo yelled.

"So we are at a big disadvantage since they know our stuff but we don't know theirs. This sucks!" Kaminari complained.

"So that means we must be more manly and womanly and defeat them!" Kirishima said.

"Would you shut up and move!" Bakugo yelled ahead from everyone.

"Hey! Wait up!" The three of you yelled.


I'll see you again (Katsuki Bakugo x Fem!Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя