The McShizzle Man is Back

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Leo's POV:

Feeling her lips against mine lit a different kind of spark in me. One that felt even stronger than anything else.

I don't what it was but when she let go...I no longer felt any presence on Kronos in my body. But I also knew I wasn't dead. So I had no clue what happened.

She looked at me and searched my eyes...I think she could tell like me that something changed and I was stronger.

Stronger than whatever previous urges had compelled me to betray my friends. Whatever being that was possessing me now could be trying to break down the door to take over my brain and the spark I felt was strong enough to hold it back.

It hadn't been too late...

And she saved me.

She released my hands and stared into my eyes. She was covered in blood from the fist fight and dirt from me dragging her across the battle field, she looked at me intently.

I smiled at her and then looked and saw Percy wielding the Trident but looking like he was about to faint. She looked that way too and we almost spoke with our eyes coming to an understanding.

"Go." I said and she ran to her brother.

I flipped the knife in my hand and lit up my other one.

Time to light it up.

I ran to where Draco was fighting alone.

I stood back to back with him, "Need some help?" I asked.

He looked at me, "So you are back? Whatever the hell just happened just fixed everything or some shit. Bloody hell. I'm not happy she kissed you but I must admit, it is no secret she has feelings for you and I want her to be happy."

We continued fighting until he was able to grunt out one more thing, "If when all this is over—"

He threw a spell at some wizards trying to kill us and then said, "She chooses you. I have no hard feelings and I'll get over it."

I slashed down a monster and then turned to him, he held his hand out to me, "I don't know what she is feeling but as long as she is happy I am okay with her choices."

I looked at him and cocked and eyebrow, "You sure bro?" I asked.

He nodded. With that I unlit my blazing hand and took his and shook it and with my back hand sliced another monster.

I continued to fight with all my power and anger and regret. I pushed with every last thing I had, at one point or another I think everyone collectively realized that what had happened changed and saved me and I felt the old battle tactics flowing.

No one had to say anything when you were with someone fighting you could just sense and predict one another's movements to fight against the enemy.

I still felt the heat from Bridget's lips. She'd tasted like sea salt and had the sent of peppermint on her breath and scent of campfire everywhere else.

I watched in awe as she use the Trident to take down giants with her father. It was amazing how even though what had just happened was huge she stayed focused until what she needed to do got down.

At some point I heard an explosion and I looked over the source of the sound, Jason and Percy were back to back creating a storm and a huge bolt of lighting had just shot down and hit and exploded the ground where maybe they'd caught a glimpse of Gaea.

I could feel blood dribbling down my head and arms and yet I still pushed through it all.

I ran past skeletons and dead warriors raised by Nico, past Hermione who was control elements and doing magic with just her hands and helping Hazel with what seemed to me like Mist tricks.

I had no clue what that was about, nor could I focus on it right now. There were screams, cracks, the sounds of metal clashing and I loved it.

Somewhere deep in me I could feel the god of time bastard banging on a locked door but he was not taking control ever again. The craziest part of it all was I could just run through the fields with little worry because of my newly acquired Curse of Achilles.

I was enjoying this new metal skin thing. I new eventually I would probably give it up because I honestly didn't want to be invincible but for the time being it was a blessing.

I saw Piper swinging a staff like a badass, I think it was Circe's and then Will kept the severed Medusa head with him to make sure no one could disturb if he was healing and he was without second defense.

I saw Ron on top of a old ruin of a building probably battling wizards and back to back with Reyna who was fending off werewolves.

I continued to kill whatever I could, everyone once in a while a monster or something would go down without explanation and then I remember that Annabeth had a magic hat and Nico was probably using his father's helm. No wondered I hadn't seen those two much during the battle.

Grover was using his reed pipes and growing tree roots around enemies feet and then Rachel would cut them down with her weapon.

It was crazy how much was happening. Almost too hard to keep track of.

It was also scary because we were on a battle field that if you fell the wrong way you could go down tumbling off a cliff or something else high.

It was dangerous. I felt my feet rumble and realized there was an earthquake under me. I looked around to make sure it wasn't Poseidon, Percy, or Bridget. When I saw it wasn't I made quick work to scorch the ground in attempt to get Gaea off my back.

I finally got free of her earthquake and that's when I heard a scream and looked to see Annabeth barely dodging a killing curse and tumbling off the side of the mountain.

"ANNABETH!!" I heard Percy yell.


Y'all...we're so close to the end. Please and some feedback <3

~Daughter Of Poseidon

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