Braids and Boys

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[^^Bridget, if y'all didn't figure it out from the fact that it is the same girl from new cover. Just imagine longer hair with more waves and tanner skin]

Annabeth's POV:

Bridget and I were hanging out in my cabin while the boys were on watch, Bridget was braiding my hair. I was playing with my ring.

She must've noticed I was off cause when she finished doing my hair she sat down next to me facing the opposite wall and turning her head to the right to look at me and said, "Spill sis."

I bit my lip nervous to share, but I reminded myself she was family and my friend, I could trust her.

"What if Percy or I...don't make it back and we've never even..." I started off but then felt embarrassed.

Bridget chuckled, "Annabeth, you don't need to have sex with my brother to prove your love for him."

I threw a pillow at her face, "I'm serious Bridge. I'm a virgin and everyday could be my last because I risk my life with little fear and I'm too scared to even do it with my own husband!"

Bridget laid down next to me holding the pillow I threw, her hair hanging off the bed and she feet resting on the wall, I studied the actual art in which her hair was

Bridget laid down next to me holding the pillow I threw, her hair hanging off the bed and she feet resting on the wall, I studied the actual art in which her hair was

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"I still can't fathom how you do hair this good, especially on urself when you can't see," I told her, she laughed.

"I told you I had a rough childhood not much to do other than play with my hair. But this isn't about me, this is about you, Annabeth you are one of the toughest girls I know and one of the most fearless, and you're scared of sex..." she asked me.

I sighed, "I'm not scared of sex. I'm scared that I'll never have the chance to have it. To have children, to grow a family. But also with that I don't want to rush things. I mean, do you think Percy and I rushed into getting married?" I asked her.

She sat up and turned her whole body towards me sitting criss crossed applesauce. I turned to her do the same, I put my head in my hands.

"Do you think you rushed it Anna?"

I groaned, "I don't regret it at all, and I'm glad it happened...but we aren't even 18 are we ready for marriage, we haven't even had time to process it I feel like, the second we got married life changing news hit us like a train and we had to leave for another dangerous mission. Not that you learning your identity is a bad thing."

Bridget nodded, "No it's okay, I get it. I'm sorry you feel like way Anna. Does Percy know?"

I shook my head, "No, and I don't want to tell him because what if he feels that way and is glad I also do...even though I really don't. I am making zero sense, aren't I?"

The Tale of the Lost Sister a PJO/HP CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now