Scared of the Future

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[^^Photo is me, hi, that is me, I'm goofy, thought y'all should know hehe, okay back to our regularly (not really regularly) scheduled (or scheduled) programming]

Hermione's POV:

I woke up in a bed, though I didn't remember how I got there. I stretched and got up and went over to the table to look for my notes from the previous night. After the demigods had told me more about their life and attributes they have I started to think.

But my notes were gone.

"Where are my notes? Jason? Reyna? Anyone?" I looked around the tent and then I found the others outside with my notebook, they all looked at me.

Percy showed my notebook to me, "You think you're a demigod?"

I hadn't wanted anyone to see until I could figure it out for sure but I nodded, "Percy when you told me about stuff that Annabeth could do I began to think. I'm obsessed with knowledge and while I don't have ADHD I don't easily stay still I also can knit and weave well and I don't even practice at it. Does that sound like? Or is it just stupid?"

Reyna got up and placed a hand on my shoulder, "It isn't crazy, but that also means you're like crazy extra powerful."

I shrugged, "I mean not really, you can't kill a monster with yarn."

"Yes but if you really are a Daughter of Athena that means you can outsmarts enemies and will probably pick up battle tactics easily," Frank said.

I considered this, "I was pretty lousy during the weapon training...maybe I'm wrong. I'm sorry you guys even saw that."

Jason stood up, "No, it's okay to be curious, anyone can be a demigod really, the only thing is that they made a promise to claim their children by what was it Percy? 12?"

Percy nodded but stayed quiet, he studying me and I could tell. Then he started writing something down.

"I for one wouldn't rule it out, she is crazy smart, if she is a demigod, Athena should not be ruled out for her parentage," Reyna spoke and then Percy walked over to me.

"Have you ever studied ancient greek?" he asked me...I looked at him weird and shook my head, such a random question, "Read this."

He held up what at first looked like chicken scratch "εγώ μπορώ διαβάζω ελληνικά" then turned into words in my brain, "I can read Greek." I spoke out loud.

Percy looked at the other three, "That's what it says. I know you guys know Latin so you can't confirm but she can read Greek...without flaw and she has never studied it. She's a greek demigod. But of which god or goddess, I have no idea."

The four of them looked at me, then Reyna spoke, "Then let's get our asses to work on figuring it out."


It has been two days of the demigods studying me and like before all I'm good at is being super smart and being a witch cause that's what I am. Maybe I am a daughter of Athena who got none of the battle genes.

I wasn't sneaky enough for Hermes, I couldn't raise the dead, or call lighting, or move water, I defiantly wasn't Ares, I'm not good with plants, or archery, I'm decent at healing but with magic not special powers, I can't grow grape vines, and I defiantly am not a child of Aphrodite. While that isn't all the gods I promise you I'm not any of the other ones either.

Along with trying to figure out who I am we've been on the move, every morning we apparate to a new location and camp to take notes and ask locals questions. A lot has been happening. We are very close to the emporium now but in our way there we figured it wouldn't hurt to ask and study about the dagger. Yes there are many parazonium daggers but the original, the first one ever crafted was held by Mars and held an aura of courage.

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