I Cause an Indoor Storm

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Jason's POV:

Let me tell you about Bridget. No one else really can I'm guessing because she only talks to me still and it has been two months. She has not been claimed, sadly, she is incredibly talented with a sword and a dagger. She really enjoys messing with her hair, she loves braids especially. She was made fun of at her foster home and people would call her "princess" cause she was allowed to do whatever she wanted basically cause her foster mom really just did not give two craps about her.

She had it tough. She is really sarcastic but can be really kind as well. She is always serious when she has to be, so the opposite of Leo and Percy. She knows how to let loose and have fun though. She hates makeup, but she doesn't need it anyways. She also hates dresses and skirts.

She likes to skateboard...so Percy actually let her have his spare one.

She does not know how to build at all so when everyone is helping with the ship she just stays in Cabin 1. She is very guarded and will only trust someone if she shares an intimate platonic moment with them. Like the one we had the first day we met. After what she has gone through, I don't blame her for being that way.

I liked everyone enough but she doesn't go out of her way to really get to know them. She is just scared, people actually caring about her is something new and she doesn't know how to react.

Anyways, present time no more explaining:

I'm sitting in my cabin in my little corner looking at the pictures on my wall and I look over to where Bridget is laying in the floor near the ladder area, the other little alcove. She could sleep on the bunk, she doesn't even mind the statue that much, but she just really likes the floor I have found.

She was laying on her back glaring at the ceiling. "Hey Bridge, you okay."

she looked at me a bit dazed like I snapped her out of a trance, "Yeah...I just—ugh, when is this whole stupid claiming thing suppose to happen? I have been here two months!"

I got up and walked over to her, "Some people never get claimed, but don't worry we know you will, and soon probably the boat is pretty much done for one thing—because literally so many freaking people are working on it and a lot of them are people who can deconstruct, move, and rebuild an entire camp that is gigantic in like a few days—and we can't leave until you are claimed because we are gonna have to find ur parent on the quest at some point." I sat down next to her and threw an arm around her. she rested her head on my shoulder. Over the last two months we had developed a very platonic brother-sister relationship.

"I know Manny, but it is just so annoying waiting...like doesn't my father want people to know I am his?" she asked quietly.

I shrugged, "Maybe he is waiting so you have time to get used to camp before you have to get sent off, he knows we can't leave for the quest until you are claimed so he is holding off."

she shifted and sat up to look at me, "I guess you are right. But like I'm not feeling anymore at home or welcome here than I was on my first day. I just don't trust people. I can't help it."

"Well, I think of you really want to start getting more friendly with everyone, you should start off with Leo. He is good to joke around with and is easy to talk to," I suggested. I always felt Leo was a good person to start with when meeting new people because he is so chill.

"I don't know Jase..." she looked at the ground and started playing with her ring.

"Hey, do it for me, please Bridge? Try?" I begged.

The Tale of the Lost Sister a PJO/HP CrossoverΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα