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Jason's POV:

"Holy Hades!" I heard someone yell and then I was grabbed by the collar of my shirt and jacket. That's when I realized I was falling forward because I was choked back to reality.

I grabbed at my throat, "C-choking...." I croaked out.

"Oh shit," I heard Percy curse, he yanked me back up and sat me down, "Sorry, man, you were about to fall down that hill. I just reacted as quick as I could." I waved him off while catching my breath.

"I'm so sorry, it takes a while to get used to apparating, at least we're not using portkeys, those are worse in my opinion," Hermione said. I honestly only understood half of what she was saying, but the same probably went for her when we got into deep conversation. I waved her off too and then looked around and laughed a bit.

Hermione cocked an eyebrow at me, "What is it?"

I looked at her then gestured you all around us, "does your only visit forests?" She looked around and then began to actually laugh at herself too.

She shrugged, "I guess so. It didn't occur to me until you just pointed it out but yes...pretty much."

I looked over to Frank and Reyna they were busy setting up camp stuff, Thalia had given each of the demigod girls pop up tents, the wizards that confirmed that they had their own shelter type of things. The Hunters tents could only fit a certain amount of people so having the extra tents that they claimed they had was good. Though all of them only carried a small knapsack when we left so I was having trouble believing they had supplies.

Hermione took out her wand and said something over muggle shielding and protection spells, I didn't really know what that meant though. She just started walking around and muttering what to me sounded like gibberish.

Percy and I decided to pull together a fire. Not that fire was his strong suit, but he just needed to get wood and I needed to strike it was lighting.

After what seemed like 20 minutes Hermione came back and sat down near us while we put together our fire base.

"Okay, done with the base. Jason, if you please," Percy motioned, Frank and Reyna has come over as well.

Hermione waved for us to stop, "Guys, I can just—," but before she finished I had taking out my sword and yelled willing lighting to strike the wood and we had a fire within seconds. Hermione looked at me with wonder.

"How did you..." she pointed eyes wide.

Frank laughed, "Oh yeah, they haven't really seen any of our magic and powers in action. What if we did a demonstration?" he suggested. Everyone shrugged in agreement. Frank got up. "Like all demigods I have super human strength and stuff like that but being a child of the war god it is doubled again, I also have advanced fighting skills without having to as much training as the others, but don't take that as me saying I'm better than the others at fighting, Percy can beat me with a sword any day. I can do this thing called 'hurricane of violence' it's where I summon power and blank out and destroy lots of bad guys almost without trying. I can control dead ghosts and zombies of Roman legionaries...but it is a limited ability. And then...Don't freak out." he started to turn into different animals at rapid speed. Hermione honestly didn't looked freak out at all.

"Oh. So you're like an Animagus?" she asked.

Frank turned back into himself, "An Ani-what-what?"

Hermione laughed, she probably felt good not being the confused one for once on the trip, "An Animagus is a wizard or witch who elects to turn themselves into an animal, it takes years of training and is very complicated."

"Damn," Reyna said, "Well, my powers kind of aren't needed or do anything unless we're in battle or a precarious situation. But I can lend my strength to others but it also gives me part of the backlash. Also like Frank being a child of a war god gives us an upper hand in fighting without even having to train as much. Also like Frank I can do the ghost control thing, but that is just because we are Praetors."

I went next, "Obviously you saw I can summon and control lighting, I can also fly, I can control wind...obviously that's how I can fly, and I can do like storm stuff. I can make dry storms. With the wind control I can do like a lot of different things that maybe some other time I can demonstrate. I'm immune to electrical shocks and lighting."

"I guess I'm up, I can create hurricanes with some wind and rain, control water, breath underwater, talk to horse and fish, I can drop into water from any height and it won't hurt me, I can will water to not get me wet, Jason and I together can create lighting and rain storms, I cause draw water from anywhere, I can control blood and any substance with even the tiniest traces of water it it, including drawing water from nowhere except my own force of the ocean, so like myself....basically. I can heal myself with water and sometimes others, I have perfect bearings at sea and can control water crafts, I can cause small earthquakes, and I can control the Mist but it is limited...the others can too but they haven't been really trained, for the most part, Hazel is strongest with that ability and then Thalia and I can do it at a limited power."

"Wow. That's incredible. I uh...have a wand...and can do a lot of magic," Hermione said weakly, "I sound so lame."

Reyna shook her head, "Trust me, you're not. You can do incredible things. You can probably the more magical aspects of our abilities with your magic, which means, you have just about as much as we have all together packed into one."

She shrugged, "But if the wand breaks..."

She put her hand on Hermione's shoulder, "It won't, don't be hard on yourself, let's set up that tent you told me about."

They left Frank, Percy, and me. We stared at the fire almost in a trance as if we were asleep.

Frank looked at both of us, "Who misses their girlfriend?" All three of us shot up our hands without changing any facial expression or making any other body movements.

All it took was a hand raise maybe not even that for anyone to see we had heartache.


Hey guys, I'm sorry this chapter probably seems a bit boring, I'm still figuring out some of the starting points of the separate missions right now, after maybe some boring starting chapters from each group then everything will speed up. Also warning these mini missions will take up a large amount of time. Like in said in the beginning this story is going to be very long...maybe more than one book. Please send me feedback <3

~Daughter Of Poseidon

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