I Eat More Cards

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Grover's POV:

to say I was scared was an understatement. I know everyone has probably told you they are angry. I am telling you that I am scared. I am always scared to go on quests. first quest I was scared and didn't really want to go but wanted to get my searchers license. second quest I technically wasn't on it I was being rescued and I was terrified. Third quest I was still terrified but still agreed cause I was dumb and couldn't resist helping the Hunters of Artemis. Four quest, it was underground and I didn't even want to go and had zero motivation to technically go, unless like you count that whole getting my license taken away and stuff but like...I. WAS. SCARED.

I am a coward. Unlike Percy and Annabeth, my best friends. They have gone through hell and done some of the craziest things ever. They are brave and I am a coward. I don't know why this quest needs me, I am useless. That whole Panic thing I can do doesn't even happen on command, I don't understand it at all. and I am not good with nature magic or my reed pipes even though I act like I think I am good at them. The only thing I ever did was find Pan and watch him fade and became Lord of the Wild. I don't deserve that title.

I also do not know how to build so all I could do for the boat was...nothing. again, useless. I couldn't go to Bunker 9 it was too crowded (even though the place is massive) and Leo now yelled at people if they tried to come in no matter who they were, even the Hunters and all the other Romans who were suppose to be helping got sent away until needed. He only wanted his Greek and Roman half-siblings, Annabeth, and Percy in there with him, with the exception of Frank who had gotten there prior to most of the craziness that was happening down there, so he was there too. Jason was Bridget's mentor special she was covered. Rachel was in her cave and asked not to be disturbed. Hazel and Reyna were helping the Romans get settled. Piper was sleeping and getting emotional support from her siblings, this was hitting her hard. Thalia was punching walls in the Artemis cabin. And then Will and Nico were canoeing to relieve stress.

I decided to go to Percy's cabin and eat some cards, to relieve my stress. Usually I was there with Percy and Annabeth, so I was lonely. I stretched out my hooves and furry legs on his bed and grabbed a deck of cards and tried to relax instead of thinking about how worthless and scared I was. I would've gone to visit Juniper but I couldn't bare to tell her what was happening, I would tell her eventually but not yet.

Even though it got annoying when Percy would mess around on his skateboard while we sat in here I was missing the sounds in this moment. I was lonely, everyone had jobs or was doing something to distract them except me.

Then as if on cue Percy walked in, "Hey, Goat Boy." he smiled at me. "I've been looking for you since you came to Bunker 9. Sorry about Leo, he is stressed and excited which is not a good mix for him. Are you okay?"

"Hey Perce. Yeah, I am alright. I just feel like I have no place and I don't understand why I am going on this quest. I am completely useless. Every quest I've gone on I have been terrified and haven't really done anything important, I am not brave like everyone else," I explained to him. He was my best friend, I could trust him.

"Grover, you are not useless and you are brave. Even when you don't want to go on quests you go and you do a lot. you wouldn't have been chosen if you weren't needed. It called you the Panic. Maybe that is foreshadowing that you will learn to control it better, you Lord of the Wild you," he sat down next to me and clapped a hand in my back.

"Thank you Percy, I knew I could count on you to make me feel better. Maybe this'll give Annabeth, you, Thalia, and me a chance to reconnect a bit more," I said positively. The four of us hadn't been all together for a long period of time since maybe the war against Kronos. Even then we weren't together long. Thalia has to leave soon after we had our day visit and went for cheeseburgers all together. I went off to search for demigods and spread Pan's word. Annabeth and Percy stayed at Camp Half-Blood. Then Percy went missing.

"Yeah even though it isn't ideal circumstances, it may be a blessing in disguise for us to all be together again. Also if anyone for any reason makes you feel worthless, ever. you tell me and I'll drown them in the lake," Percy smirked his crooked grin and then pulled me up off his bed and we decided to go for a walk.

Hey demigods!! this chapter is kinda short and kinda boring but I really wanted to take a look into Grover's thoughts, because this is how I imagine he feels sometimes even though none of it is true. He is super important to the team. I hope you guys liked the chapter. Please send me feedback <3

~Daughter Of Poseidon

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