Connecting Bridges

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Draco's POV:

Once everyone said their goodbyes and good lucks disapparated off the boat, only Leo, Annabeth, Bridget, and me were left. Annabeth was crying, she went down to her cabin. From what I'd been told by Ginny it was the first time Percy and her are apart since something EXTREMELY traumatic that they went through together. I didn't want to bother her so I decided I'd try talking to her later on when she felt better.

Bridget sat against the controls stand while Leo continued to whirl around the controls, his hands really never stopped moving. I debated between going back to my cabin or going over to talk to them...and then I decided to be a chicken.

I went back to my cabin. It was nice for the most part, a decent size, I was used to the manor and the castle, but I actually like that is was a bit more confined and private, I didn't have to share or worry about my dad coming in and yelling at or hitting me. I had a case full of books I brought. old ones from the wizarding world that I recognized and a few from the muggle world that Hermione shared with me.

I had my green sheets on the bed and I had my old Quidditch robes, even though I quit after fifth year. I had my Nimbus 2001 broom leaning against the wall and my desk, my wand was on the desk with a radio playing music. My closet was full, the expansion spell helped me like it did the others as well. Though, a few of my clothes were black suits that I hadn't burned yet. But mostly they were new clothes. When I turned 18 over the summer I left home and I went to the muggle world, I tried to blend in as best I could without it being obvious I was not from there. I bought newer and much more comfortable clothing, muggle clothes, and since the 7thh of June (the day after my birthday) after the war I lived in the muggle world until it came time for my eighth year at Hogwarts. It surprised me when I was welcomed back, but I had a meeting with Professor McGonagall before the year started and she actually complimented me on my new life and said even though I had done bad things she knew I wasn't a bad person, just was raised in a bad way and put into a life or death situation to protect my family. Who even though my father treated me like dirt, I still did not want to see him die.

Admittedly, I love my mother, I used to...have some sort of affection for my father. My mother I have always loved her, even though she didn't really do much when she knew what my father was doing, she was just as scared as me most of the time.

*knock* *knock*

I looked up from the book I had been reading, "Come in." I said.

Bridget opened the door, I stumbled up to get up off my bed and tried to fix my shirt and hair, "Oh h-hey, Bridget, what's up?" I tried to casually lean against my bed post then I forgot I didn't have a four poster bed anymore and I fell over completely.

Bridget tried to hide her laugher but she couldn't.

"I'm sorry. Are you okay," she couldn't stop giggling. it was kind of cute, but it was still kind of embarrassing for me.

I got up and decided to sit down on my bed to avoid anymore disasters, "Y-yeah, I'm fine, doing...awesome."

She sat down next to me and my heart sped up a little. She looked at me with a cocked eyebrow, "You don't look or seem fine or awesome."

I looked at her, "A lot of 'or's' for one sentence don't you think." Her eyes were beautiful.

"Yeah, well, I don't give a shit. Not like I'm ever going to a real school again." she sighed and then fell onto her back and stretched. Her hair sprawled out everywhere.

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