Life is Good on the Other Side

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Leo's POV:

The plan had been to get as far away from anyone and anything as possible...but ever since I saw Bridget and her state and my friends panicking...the "plan" has become sitting in the same hotel room with all my stuff packed pacing around the room and not even getting past the doorway when I attempt to head off.

It's been a good two weeks since I ran off and I'll I can do is think about the ship and my friends. And how much I miss them.

I keep re-reading the letter over and over again, crying every time. The only time I made it past the doorway to leave was when I really considered heading back then didn't cause I thought about Draco and how lonely I was up there.

Today I was laying in my back on the dirty floor staring at the ceiling. I was close to falling asleep when there was a bang at my door.

I shot up and was sadly met with the red eyes of a pale nose-less man.

" what kind of monster are you? I don't think I've had the pleasure of running into one of whatever you are. I guess we're a little behind in Greek Mythology class at camp," I said as sarcastic as possible.

"You unworthy fool, you should not even be aloud to stand in my presence let alone speak in it!" he crooned.

His breath reeked as if he had been eating cabbage and people the last million years. He looked too old to be alive and too disfigured and weird to be human so he had to be a monster. He reminded me of a snake.

"Leo haven't officially met Voldemort yet...The Dark Lord. He is a wizard," I heard a voice in the my ear I looked at the ground, I saw her face. Mrs. Dirt Face in all her glory.

I looked at the snake dude...then dirt face...then the gold floating ball that had a face in it (did I not mention that before...I have a weird feeling it is Kronos) then back at snake man then back to dirt face.

" is everyone doing? Feeling in the mood to not murder or kidnap because I am in the mood to stay alive and be a free man," I gave them my best sarcastic but also nervous smile I pointed finger guns at them and winked, I edged to the window, "This has be sooooooooo fun but you know I am just on a time crunch!" I looked at my non-existent watch and made a "silly me look at the time" face. "Hope to see you soon it has been nice catching up."

I made my beeline for the window but before I made it out my wrist was grabbed by a cold steely hand and there was a crack.

Next thing I knew I was in a cave...tied to a chair.


"Leo Valdez, let me formally introduce myself. I am Voldemort," the snake man with no nose spoke in a bone chilling voice.

"Uh...hi...creepy snake man," I replied.

The dude just rolled his eyes, "My name is Voldemort, and you will call me 'My Lord' or 'Dark Lord' which ever you prefer."

That's when I rolled my eyes and laughed, "Ha, good one. No way in Styx I'm calling you 'my lord' now was about you calling me Flaming Hot McShizzle Man, we'll talk later." I sent him a wink. Even in situations like this I tried to be as annoying as possible because then maybe I'd be let go out of annoyance.

I had a feeling that was a deal with this guy.

"Leo Valdez, we want you to join us. We want your help in creating a new body for Kronos...raising Chaos...fully awakening me...and giving the wizard information world over to Voldemort. Here you will be accepted. All you must do is join us, and to show your allegiance get branded," Gaea told me.

Branded? Seriously? I thought, I then spoke aloud, "What's the catch?"

Voldemort then spoke, "No catch, if you help us in succeeded you can be made into a god and given everything you could have ever desired. You'll have real friends on our side of the war."

I looked at the gold floating ball, " does this dude work if he's basically dead?"

"I need a new body...I want to take over that of Percy Jackson...but to do that I need help of someone whom knows him well. I want my revenge and my power. Until I am able to take place in his body I will have to settle for the body of one of the demigods we have working on our side," Kronos explained.

He wanted that was part of his game, "Won't the person you leave when decided to take Percy die?"

Voldemort shrugged, "Yes, that person will die but everyone is expendable. If we have no use for someone what is the point in having that lability that they could share secrets and betray us. I used to have an army but because of one man who was a skilled double agent I lost everything. Thankfully I killed him and let my snake do more away with him. But still because of that man I lost everything for a second time. I owe my life to Chaos for giving me this third chance."

I looked to the ground at Gaea, "Where is this Chaos?"

"She must rise and the only way that can happen is if Voldemort, Kronos, and I combine our strength on the day that the planets align," she explained. She started explaining more but I kind of tuned her out.

"What are my other options?" I asked.

Kronos' raspy voice laughed, "There aren't any other option if you remember as Voldemort said everyone is expendable. Join us, or die."


Sorry this chapter took so long to produce I promise that if you have questions about Chaos is risen they will be answered eventually. But remember this is still only the first book. Please send me feedback <3

~Daughter Of Poseidon

The Tale of the Lost Sister a PJO/HP CrossoverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora