The Huntress, The Twin, and The Sacrificer

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Grover's POV:

After we got our cards and got the whole speech about whatever whatever we went to our rooms. I immediately took the wig and makeup off, my mouth watered when I looked at the food and drinks that I knew I couldn't have because they would seduce me into staying at the hotel forever and I was not going to go through that again. I was however going to take advantage of the shower and bed. I knew after the hotel stay I wouldn't get a nice shower or proper sleep for a good while.

I took my photo of Juniper out of my bag and placed in on the nightstand next to the bed I went into the bathroom and turned on the water. I could hear the girls showers running in the other parts of the room. I took my sweet time. Then I relaxed on the bed. The girl both joined me with their wet hair and sweatshirts and shorts. We turned on the tv.

"Do you think anyone has cause massive amounts of trouble yet?" Thalia asked sarcastically with a laugh. "Turn on the news." she said.

Ginny looked at us and laughed, then realized we were serious, "Wait...first someone could've already gotten in loads of trouble and chaos? second you guys can cause enough damage to make it on the news?"

"Yes and yes, it is also oh so fun when people start looking for us cause a bounty gets out on our heads because we caused so much trouble. First quest with Percy they had a manhunt for him because his stepfather convinced people he ruined his Camero and killed Sally, Percy's mom. His mom was abducted by Hades and a Minotaur destroyed his car. He got turned into stone by Sally though not long after she was rescued. Percy gifted her Medusa's severed head so she used it." Grover explained. Ginny looked slightly disgusted.

"Wow." was all she could say.

"Yeah, it's all kind of crazy. But don't worry you'll get used to demigod crazy soon enough," Thalia smiled.

"You guys have to tell me more stories." she looked at us eagerly.

I pointed at her, "Only if you tell us some of yours back."

**few hours and stories later**

we all laughed at jokes and funny happenings from Ginny's stories, like the song that was made for Harry Valentine's days her first year and his second year at school. I knew she was itching to hear ours as well.

"Wait, so you're brothers Fred and George got the rogue ghost who listens to nobody at follow their request to prank the toad lady in pink, oh, Umbridge! Rachel draw a picture of her after she had a vision," I exclaimed.

Ginny smiled and nodded, then she got sad, "I know I should get over it but I just miss Fred so much. George seems to have gotten over it. Either that or he fakes it in front of everyone. Saying it out loud I realize that the latter probably is more correct. They were a package deal. No way he is over him dying after less than a year. He may never be. And I'll never see his smile again that's what scares me the most." tears flowed down her face for her late older brother.

Thalia and I looked at each other, we understood what she meant. We had lost so many family and feel like you should get over it but you never really do. During our story telling we had moved out to the balcony. Thalia looked up and smiled.

"Grover...Zoë is out tonight," she whispered pointing up at a female huntress constellation...The Huntress.

Ginny looked at us and then looked to where we were looking, "Zoë?" she asked.

Thalia and I had both also started crying thinking about our friend who we watched die...after seeing Ginny breakdown and then seeing Zoë constellation we both couldn't hold sadness, thinking of Zoë made us think of Bianca as well...but in a strange way it was a happy sadness...

Thalia looked at Ginny and surprisingly...she smiled, she sniffled a little bit but then spoke, "Zoë Nightshade was a friend of ours, she passed away a few years back in a battle with her father Atlas...she used to be a Hunter of Artemis like me, she was Lieutenant but after she passed I joined and was offered the position. We watched her died right in front of us, Lady Artemis turned her into a constellation, The Huntress...and earlier in that quest Nico Di Angelo's older sister...Bianca Di Angelo, she passed away as well, saving us, she sacrificed herself and everything so we could all live and finish the quest. Her and Zoë both were granted Elysium, Bianca chose rebirth recently though. She was also a Hunter of Artemis but only for a short time." Thalia wiped her eyes, "We understand how you are feeling...never feel like missing someone is bad because it is not, Grover and I have lost countless people and though we seem strong in reality we still sometimes cry at night thinking of the friends and family we have lost in one way or another. I am also sure your brother is in is where heroes are placed in the Underworld. We could even contact Hazel and Nico and make sure maybe you could even see him. If he isn't there I will personally kick Hades in the balls. Or if you want...we could maybe try and go see him ourselves. it might be difficult though."

Ginny looked at us in disbelief, "I could see my brother again..." she asked with hope. Then she slashed it, "I wouldn't want to be selfish, especially since if it is possible to see Fred again...I would want the whole family, Harry, Hermione, heck evening Draco, to as well."

I nodded, still crying, "Maybe when we finish this quest as a favor you could ask Hades for one visit. Usually after we save the world the gods are pretty nice about their gifts. But we defiantly could let you see him soon over an Iris Message, it isn't as nice as in person but at least we would know where to find him." I suggested.

Ginny nodded, "I couldn't tell my family though, they'd get upset I saw him in anyway without them. But if possible...and I am going to pray to Hades a lot now...I will bring everyone to see him again. Even if it just once, we could see our other friends and family as well. Harry would love to see his parents, Sirius, Lupin, and Dumbledore once again. Maybe even Snape...and they could makeup. And so many other people."

Thalia laughed a bit, "You could also see that Volde guy in the Fields of Punishment doing some awful task for the rest of forever."

Ginny smiled, we all started to cheer up after having that conversation it felt good to talk about the pain...

Once we were all collected again Thalia and I started sharing our adventures...

though even though we collected ourselves the conversation held a big impact and we all still had some tears...


AHHHHH!!! I AM CRYING!!!!! I didn't know where this chapter was going at first and then it hit me and I started talking about Zoë and Fred and Bianca, I also changed the image I originally had because I like had an epiphany and now I have this rlly emotional chapter that I am like in love with I hope you guys are too!!!! This is honestly my favorite chapter right now :) Please send me feedback <3

(also fun fact it is 12:03 when I am finishing this chapter most of my best writing comes to me when I am sleepy lol)

~Daughter Of Poseidon

The Tale of the Lost Sister a PJO/HP CrossoverTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang