My New Friend Jumps off a Roof

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Bridget's POV:

I'd made my first friend and it was awesome. Jason Grace was super cool. My Babysitter was my friend. I trusted him.

He took me up a ladder in his cabin and I was amazed at what I saw getting to the top.

"Woah! This is incredible," I exclaimed, Jason laughed, "You can see like everything up here, instead of the tour you could just point to things from here and tell me what they are." I laughed, so did he.

"Yeah, I might just do that. I am too lazy to walk, I could fly you around but I'd get too tired and work out eventually," he told me. I was taken aback.

"Wait, back up. You can fly?!" I raised my eyebrows at him. He threw his head back in laughter and then did something totally unexpected. He jumped off the roof. "JASON?!!?" I screamed rushing to look over the edge just as he shot back up above me and then sat down on the roof again.

"Holy Hera," I shoved his arm in anger and he laughed, "You scared me, Manny!" Then we both just started to crack up. I fell onto my back and he doubled over.

"Okay, should we start this 'tour'?" He asked. I nodded still laughing. He pulled me up from my back and took me to the other side of the roof. He started point out the other cabins to me. "The one right next to us is Hera's, it is honorary she doesn't have any and will never have any children cause she is the goddess of marriage and wouldn't cheat on my dad, she is a maiden goddess. She hates all children of her husband except me a little bit. She is my Patron. another long story. Then Cabin 3 that is Poseidon's, that is where Percy stays. The only time anyone else is ever there to like sleep and stuff is when he half-brother Tyson ones up to visit from Poseidon's underwater palace kingdom place. He is a cyclops so he works in the underwater forges of the gods. Cabin 4 is Demeter's her children stay there obviously. Cabin 5 is Ares, his children stay there. Cabin 6 is Athena's, that is where Annabeth stays with her half-siblings, cause Athena is their mother, Athena is a maiden goddess but her children are born the same way she was, when she has strong feelings to a man her children are created from a thought and spring from her thoughts of them. She was born from Zeus's split skull. Cabin 7 is Apollo, Will's cabin. Cabin 8 is Artemis, is it more honorary because she is a maiden and goddess of the hunt, but her hunters are allowed to stay there when they visit here and some of the Camp Jupiter girls were invited to stay there while we are preparing to send us off on the quest. Her hunters also take an oath of maidenhood and granted immortality unless they are struck down in battle.

"Cabin 9 is Hephaestus, that is where Leo stays. Cabin 10 is Aphrodite, that's Piper's cabin. Cabin 11 is Hermes, that is where you and other demigods stay if they are undetermined, they stay there until they are claimed...usually, obviously if you are claimed by Hermes you stay but also under the circumstances right now they might let you stay somewhere else due to the amount of people here right now. Cabin 12 is Dionysus. Mr. D is the camp director. he is here on punishment for like 50 years or something I don't know, but he angered our father—Zeus is his dad too—he was a demigod but what granted immortality and made an Olympian and Hestia gave up her throne for him. That is Hestia down there tending to the hearth" Jason pointed out a young girl tending to the flames of a fire in the center of all the cabins, "She looks like a young girl cause gods can take whatever form they choose. I suggest you go greet her later, she appreciates demigods who do that and she gave up so much especially since she is the eldest god. I'll go with you later. Cabin 13 is Hades, it was recently built as were all the cabins after his. This whole other long story. But that is where Nico stays and Hazel if she decides to stay here overnight, which she will be now. She is the daughter of Pluto. Cabin 14 is Iris. Cabin 15 is Hypnos. Cabin 16 Nemesis. Cabin 17 is Nike. Cabin 18 is Hebe. Cabin 19 is Tyche. And last but not least Cabin 20 is Hecate." Jason finished up tell me about the cabins. He only had stories for a few of them most of them he just told me the god or goddess it represented.

He did tell me that more were still being built though, there were a lot more gods but for now this was all they had.

"That's cool, what's that over there?" I pointed to a circular cement pit with stairs.

"That is the training arena. and then over there," he pointed to an area with targets, "Archery range, then the Infirmary is over there, you were already there though. And then obviously the big blue building, the Big House. you have already been there too. Then that is climbing wall, it shakes and spews lava cans a bunch of other stuff it is cool. Then the beach and lake, the woods, there are monsters in there as you found out, we go in there during competitions. Then there is the Amphitheater where we do Campfire Singalong. Pavilion is over there. Pegasus stables are over there. I can bring you to Bunker 9 later this week." Jason kept pointing to buildings and areas and tell me what they were and what you did there. The camp was cool.

I asked Jason if I would ever see Camp Jupiter and New Rome which he had told me about and he said one day I would be able to see it. He said that maybe we could go there this week, just like he would with Bunker 9, as well as Rachel's cave, which I was very interested in, he said it was she cool and comfortable but was a cave so I didn't know what to expect.

I started to fiddle with my ring, it was like the only thing that calms me. But weird things also happened sometimes with it. Sometimes it would like glitch...if that makes any sense at all. If I would look at every once in a while it would like change for a split second and then go back to normal. I never saw what it changed to but it did fuss out and flicker sometimes and I noticed it. It happened with my other ring as well, and sometimes even to my eyes, if I was looking in the mirror I would notice it happening every once in a while. It was as if looking at the stuff through a foggy mirror.

That probably sounds ridiculous.

Jason rapped my shoulder pulling me from my thoughts, "Hey, you okay?"

"What?" I said, then registered what he had asked, "Oh yeah, just deep in thought."

"I get it...hey, if you don't mind me asking. What's that?" Jason asked pointing to my collarbone.

"Oh," I took off my jacket and stretched my shirt collar down to reveal four black birds that started at the start of my right collarbone near my neck and looked like they were flying up to the right towards my shoulder and off my body, and then cursive words underneath them diagonally following like they were underlining they birds that said, "You are not alone & will find whom you seek"

"Wow, that's pretty, and cool," he admired it, "how did you decide on the words and how many birds?"

"I don't know, the number four just called to me. The first bird—the closest to my chest—that represents me and the other 3 are the people are I assume whom I seek and I am suppose to be chasing/looking for them. Maybe it is my family. Maybe my godly parent is one bird, my human parent is one bird, and who knows maybe I have a sibling or something that is other bird."

I shrugged and covered the tattoo back up.

Hey half-bloods!! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter I know the cabin and camp descriptions were probably boring but I was trying to figure out where to go with this chapter and I obviously by the end made it to a good place :) tell me what you think of it. Why do you think these "glitches" happen that Leo AND Bridget herself have noticed?? leave a comment with your guess ;) Also what/who do you think helped inspire me for the tattoo design?? leave a comment with the answer!! please send me feedback <3

~Daughter Of Poseidon

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