I Get the Most Important Job...SIKE!! I'm the Babysitter

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Jason's POV:

Once I finished up helping Grover with the Hephaestus kids I went to Bunker 9 to see if I could help but the second I got there Leo said, and I quote, "Hey, Blonde Superman. Love ya bro, but can you get lost, there are already too many people here and I need to focus. Less people the better, sorry man." I understood but he could've been kinder about it in the middle part of the statement.

I went to go see if Piper wanted any company next. I looked for her for like 20 minutes and when I finally found her her siblings told me she wanted to be alone and was sleeping anyways. I understood that true Piper got all her hopes crushed today. She even cried in front of everyone which she NEVER does.

After I figured out that no one was really free and no one really needed help I decided to go back to the Big House and ask Chiron if there was anything I could do. Because I again felt useless, like on The Argo ||, when I kept just like getting hit in the head and knocked out or injured some other way.

Once I got there he was still just talking with Rachel and Bridget. I knocked on the door and all three of them looked up.

"Oh, hey Jase," Rachel said smiling she still looked pretty woozy from having to state the prophecy again, they took a lot out of her.

"Hey," I smiled back. Then I looked to Chiron, "Is there anything I could do? Everyone else is either busy with something or when I try to help they tell me to go away."

"I'm sorry Jason, that sounds awful," Bridget spoke.

"Eh, I've felt like this before, during the last quest I kept getting knocked out and injured...I felt useless, but I got over it," I straightened my glasses when they started to slip off my nose.

Chiron looked at me and then his eyes lit up with an idea, "Jason, how about you show Bridget around and keep her company and make sure she doesn't get into trouble. You know, be her friend and maybe even take her to the swords arena. watch and take care of her in the craziness."

My mouth dropped open, I was all for showing her around and hanging out with her...but way he described it sounded more like I was—

"A BABYSITTER?!?" Bridget yelled shocked.

"No no no. Not a babysitter a helpful and watchful friend," Chiron tried to explain.

"That is what a babysitter is. Jason how old are you and when is your birthday?" Bridget asked me. I didn't really get what she getting at but I went along.

"I'm 16, July 1st 1994," I said wearily, a little confused.

"Chiron!! I am older than him and you're making him my babysitter!!" she raged. So that is why she needed my birthday.

"He is not your babysitter. I don't want to hear anymore out of either of you. Go. Rachel you can go back to your cave and rest or you can stay here and rest," that was Chiron's final word and he left the room. So did Rachel.

I looked at Bridget who was still glaring, "Uh...so do you wanna tour?"

"I don't think Horse Man is giving either of a choice in the matter, so yeah whatever," she scowled. I nodded my head for her to follow me.

"I can show you the cabins first," I said. We walked to the cabin area.

"So like does each cabin represent a different god or goddess?" she asked.

"yeah, Cabin 1, that is my cabin. Zeus cabin. Would you like to see it?" I asked tentatively.

she shrugged, "why not." When we walked in I immediately regretted bringing her in here only because of Hippie Zeus. "uhhhhh...is that suppose to be your dad?" she laughed a bit and then the ceiling roared with louder thunder than usual.

The Tale of the Lost Sister a PJO/HP CrossoverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora