I Make a Huge Announcemt...Thanks to Nico

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Percy's POV:

So I know you guys all want to know where Nico and I had gone for so long, so let me tell you what happened while we were gone.

So after Nico pulled me outside we started walking towards the kitchen.

"Nico what are we doing?" I asked, "You haven't even dared me yet."

"I know. We need to be far away for you tell you and ask if you'd want to do this. Remember how you got all the guys together a few weeks back to tell us your plan of what you are and have been planning to do." Nico reminded me. I blushed and looked down a little sheepishly.

"I...er...in...yeah," I said running my fingers through my hair. "What does that have to do with my dare?"

Nico rolled his eyes like it should've been obvious, "Well when are you gonna do it Kelp Head?"

"I want to do it before we leave but I still haven't figured out what I am gonna actually do...again Nico, what does this have to do with my dare?" I asked again.

"Yeah...I dare you to throw a red apple," Nico said. My jaw dropped. "You don't have to, but I think this would be perfect...what do you think?"

I was shocked for a minute but then I nodded, "I actually...I actually really like that. and it takes the weight off my shoulders for the whole planning bit. We just have to grab the thing from Chiron and then get an apple." Nico nodded and we ran off in different directions. He went to the kitchens I went to go get what I needed from Chiron.

"Hey Chiron!! I need that thing you have been holding for me," I said. He looked at me skeptically.

"Are you sure Percy? I thought you didn't even know what you were doing yet?" He asked me.

I smiled, "I know now. I also know that I want to do it before we have to leave. We decided to play truth or dare and all the boys know I have been wanting to do this since a few weeks back. Nico decided to dare me to throw an apple. But he asked me if I was okay with it first and I actually really am. I want to do this. Can you gather the campers and Hunters to the center of the cabins for me. I want them all to see this...also Iris Message the gods, Tyson, Magnus and Alex, Sadie and Carter, Calypso, my mortal family, Annabeth's mortal family, and also bring Mr. D...why not, I wish I could IM Damasen and Iapetus as well but you can't send them to Tartarus..." I explained. Chiron smiled and nodded to me. He handed me a small sleek and shinny grey box with little owl designs engraved on it. I smiled thinking about what I was about to do.

I ran back to meet Nico and told him we had to wait until everything was set. He handed me the apple and I put it in my sweatshirt pocket so no one would see it. After about 15 all the IM's were floating in the air with my friends and family looking confused, as well as all the campers and hunters gathered, Mr. D just looked annoyed that he was pulled out of a sleep probably.

My heart was beating out of it's chest. Nico opened the door and only Hazel looked over at me she looked every more confused. Then I called for Annabeth.

"Hey Annabeth!" she cocked her eyebrow at me and then I dug our every bit of confidence I had in my body and said, "Catch!" I took out the apple to quickly and threw it, it just looked like a red blur. Annabeth caught the apple and everyone went completely silent looking at what I had thrown.

All my boys looked at me and smirked and nodded in respect at me finally doing it. Annabeth looked at the apple and then to me and then back at the apple and then back to me...

"Percy..." she said in almost a whisper. "If this is just a huge prank for the game...it is not funny." She looked like she was about to cry. I walked inside and over to her and grabbed her hands. I motioned everyone to follow me.

I went to where every single person could see me. I got down on one knee in front of Annabeth...she gasped putting her hands to her mouth.

I pulled out the ring box and opened it to reveal a grey band with a sea green gemstone in the center and on either side of the gemstone there were tiny grey owl figures in groups of three. Also once the ring was taken out of the box it could be seen that engraved on the inside on the bottom on the ring band it said, "my Wise Girl" with a small heart.

Annabeth gasped again and in a barely audible whisper said, "it's beautiful..." which put a smile to my face.

"Annabeth Chase, my Wise Girl, my second half, my soulmate, my best friend since I was 12, the most beautiful, strong, and smart girl that I have ever met...I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to care for you and comfort you. I want to have a family with you and I want to be able to wake up next to you and nuzzle your nose in the early mornings for every morning the rest of my life. I want to make you blue waffles and pancakes for breakfast. I want to watch you become an architect and build incredible structures. I want to grow old with you. I want to be your dumb Seaweed Brain for the rest of forever. I love you with everything I have, we went through hell together and so much more, and I never want to go another day not being confident that I am yours and you are mine. I love you that much Annabeth. So, Wise Girl...will you do my the greatest honor I could ever achieve and be granted and accept this ring, and marry me?"

It felt as if the entire world was at standstill just holding its breath waiting for Annabeth to answer. I knew I was. Finally, after about 5 minutes, Annabeth knelt down to the level I was grabbed my face and laughed, "Seaweed Brain..." I got a little scared, "Yes, nαί, etiam, sì, si, oui...in ever other language as well. I say 'yes' of course I will marry you, Percy." I could finally breath again...

I leaned in and kissed her.

Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!! I was waiting to get to this part!!!! What do you guys think of the ring design and the way he proposed?? okay that is all I think needs to be said for this, except I know I might get comments about the "si" and "sì" the one with the accent is Italian and the one without the accent is Spanish that is how the languages write them :) please send me feedback <3

~Daughter Of Poseidon

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