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After all I have survived I was about to be taken out by a huge wave...no not just a huge wave...A GODS DAM TSUNAMI!!!! not even a week into this quest and and we already at hit with the biggest storm we have ever encountered...and we were going to die.

like come on!!! Fates, at least give us a hero's end not a lazy and stupid sailers end. The only plus side it seemed though...we would all die together. As a family.

I'm not even technically dying in battle but my immortality wouldn't survive this because it also technically IS a battle, against nature.

I died without even learning how to fly too, gods come on!! I wanted to get over my fear of heights before I died!!!

Anyways, back to present time, I was with Reyna when she yelled at Percy to warn him. I looked over and just knew it was too late. a wave the size of Typhon was about to crash onto our ship.

I raised my arms over my head on a cowering stance for a second then remembered who I was and I would not die looking like a coward. I stood my ground and looked at the wave.

My life flashed before my eyes as the wave was about to crash onto us, I saw the horrible life with my mom, Jason as a baby eating a stapler, meeting Luke and Annabeth and Grover, dying and becoming a tree, waking up, Percy carrying me, the quest to find the DiAngelo kids, the quest for Annabeth, Zoë's death, my adventures with the Hunters, the Battle of New York, finding my brother again...and all my other memories. I heard screams and curses from my friends all around me, my eyes had been closed for a second and I was waiting for the impactful blow...

but it never came.

I opened my eyes to looking at the giant wave two inches from my face, I darted my eyes around and then I saw that all the waves had been paused and everything was frozen and quiet. Then I saw her.

Bridget was on one knee panting for air with her arms outstretched, she had stopped everything. She was also suffering.

"Percy!! HELP HER SEAWEED BRAIN!!!" Annabeth screamed. Everyone was frozen and shocked. Percy snapped out of his trance and helped ease some of the weight of the waves and storm off her sister's back.

Bridget screamed a gut wrenching scream, she thrust her shaking hands so hard and slammed the tsunami back into the ocean. But sadly once that happened her pause of the storm stopped and everyone had to rush back to trying to keep the ship in one piece.

I went back to trying to redirect lighting, I got my shield out and an arrow and I held them up to attract more lighting so I could redirect it.

"ROARRRRRRRR!!!!!" a monstrous cry erupted and I covered my ears in pain from the sound. I looked to my right and saw what the roar came from...it was huge and it was not cute. It was a frightful sea creature with a crab-like shell, six long necks, triple rows of teeth on each head, and twelve feet dangling from it's monstrous body.

"Oh my gods...." I whispered. "WHAT IN HADES IS THAT DAM THING!!!!" I screamed so loud I knew at least one person heard me. the dam joke didn't feel as funny when Percy and Grover couldn't hear it but I got some joy out of the old inside joke we had.

I felt someone run to my side...it was Annabeth, "I've read about her!!"

I looked at her with big eyes, "HER?!? THAT THING IS A FEMALE!?!"

Annabeth nodded with a trembling lip, "Scylla..."


"I DON'T KNOW!!! PERCY!!!!!" Annabeth yelled and ran over to where Percy and Bridget were working tirelessly.

My hair plaster all over my face I ran to the opposite side of the deck where Scylla was and I drew an arrow and nocked my bow. I aim up at what looked like maybe the open mouth of one of the serpents protruding out of her neck.

I shot the arrow but just my luck as I shot it my brother flew right into the same serpents face and got hit instead.

"JASON!!!!" I heard Piper scream. he started falling towards the water, Frank must've saw what happened cause he turned into a bird and swooped in to grab him.

Once Frank returned Jason to the deck Grover and Will rushes to take him below deck. Piper and I followed. But Nico grabbed me before I could go down.

"WE NEED YOU UP HERE TO HELP CONTROL THE STORM!! JASON WILL BE FINE!!" He yelled, I was more reading his lips than listening to what he yelled but I understood. I would just have to check on my brother after we got everything handled.

I ran over to Frank, we stood side by side with our arrows nocked. Both looking for the perfect place to land our arrows. But while I did this I also had to make sure I was looking out for lighting strikes.

I looked over at Percy and Bridget, Reyna was standing near them too. Bridget was mainly focusing on keeping the waves at bay, Percy was focusing on Scylla. Annabeth told me once that he poked her in the eye and get her to release him and Annabeth.

I decided to say screw it with the bow, I got out my shield and was now using it to draw lighting strikes to me and the bounce lighting in the direction of Scylla. I could tell her most definitely did not like that at all.

along with Leo shooting the ballista at her, Frank's arrows, Percy hitting her with waves and a bunch of other crazy shit I could not comprehend, and Nico doing some other scary Underworld shit...we were standing a fighting chance. It would be even better if Reyna, Hazel, Annabeth, and Rachel could do long range stuff. If Jason, Grover, Piper, and Will were present to also help out. And of Bridget wasn't super preoccupied.

But praying to the gods...let's beat this crazy bitch and the storm.


Wow, a lot happened in this chapter. I feel bad for hitting Jason with an arrow and I wasn't gonna but then the words just flowed out of me. Obviously I am not gonna kill him cause I'm not evil

(not that Uncle Rick is evil we love him to the end of the world and back, he just loves to rip our hearts out sometimes)

**(kinda)SPOILER OVER**
He just always get knocked out or impales so I guess my mind just said we needed to get something like that in ASAP, maybe I'll throw a brick into the story sometime sooner or later. Anyways hope you guys are doing okay and enjoying the story. Please send me feedback <3

~Daughter Of Poseidon

The Tale of the Lost Sister a PJO/HP CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now