idk what to name is chapter some imma just quote Obi-Wan for now, "gOoD jOb"

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Reyna's POV:

We all stared at Leo, he was pale and didn't look well...while at the same time looking perfectly fine.

except he wasn' wasn't our Leo. It was some cheap rip off version of Leo.

"This has to be a joke man, no way you're with Dirt Face now," Jason attempted to figure out the joke, "You're gone for a month and you come back telling us this? That's ridiculous."

Leo rolled his eyes and took out a sword and started to tap on the blade as if seeing if it was sharp enough, "I found a real family," he lifted his arm and showed us his left wrist, there was a tattoo, an theta-delta symbol, "This is what you get in that family, they accept me. I'm here to deliver a message, then I'll be on my way."

I looked at my friends, Bridget and Piper were crying. Jason, Draco, and Percy looked pissed. Everyone else looked confused. Annabeth she looked like she was analyzing him, as if trying to find something to prove he was bluffing or almost like she saw something else that we couldn't.

"Okay Leo, what's your message," she asked him in a shaky voice, I could tell she was distressed by the situation even with how hard she tried to hide it.

"That you have a week to arrive in the ruins of ancient Mycenaean, Greece. Or else you'll have already lost this battle," he said with a smirk. Then he began to run towards the side on the boat where he hopped off.

"LEO NO!!" Bridget screamed and ran towards the edge only be looking up instead of down at Leo was prosthetic wings and flying.

"What in the name of Hades are those?!" Will yelled.

From far off we heard a laugh and a yell, "A gift!"

Annabeth looked pale, she turned to Thalia who was next to her, "Did you see it? Or just me?"

Thalia nodded, she looked over at Percy and then Grover they both looked like they'd seen a ghost as well.

Jason shook Percy's arm, "What? What is it?"

"His eyes were flickering in and out from brown to gold. He's become Kronos' new body..." Percy choked out.

Bridget's head turned slowly, there were tears running down her cheeks, "Did you see him? He was thin as a line and pale as a ghost, I could see his color bones. His eyes were dark and heavy. And you're going to focus on the the fact that some asshole took over his body!"

"Bridget, Kronos is controlling him in aspects and that means that we need to do what he says or who knows what could happen. Leo has flipped sides he wouldn't have been forced because he would've had to dip in Rivers Styx. He had to do that willingly or he'd die in the river," Percy looked at his sister, "I should know, if I had gotten dipped in the river unwillingly I would've just let it kill me. But it had been my choice. Yes, Leo isn't Leo anymore but that is the point he is gone. We have to accept it otherwise we won't win this war."

Bridget glared at her brother as if he was a monster, "Fuck you. Fuck all of you! Leo is still there! There has to be something that doesn't add up with what you said, there has to be chance there is no way he would do that to us! To me!"

We all stood in silence...while none of wanted to believe it we knew Percy was right and it was breaking all of our hearts.

I looked at everyone, "Everyone go downstairs, I'm going to talk to Bridget for a minute." Everyone look at me skeptically then I glared and they all left.

I walked over to the shaking girl, and sat us both down, "Bridget, I know we haven't talked as much as you have to the others but...I agree with you."

She looked at me with surprise, "What?"

I placed a hand on her shoulder, "While I know for a fact Leo has flipped...and Kronos is in his body. That doesn't mean it is the end. There is always hope. Leo flipped from a broken heart and broken spirit...not out of hate. While the reason he did probably has more effect he doesn't hate us. He is just blinded by hurt."

Bridget sniffed, "Do you think there is anyway to get him back though, I mean you've heard the story about Luke the only way to kill Kronos was to kill himself. It's not Kronos is just going to stop possessing him and even if he did Leo would probably die anyway."

I looked into her eyes, "I think there could be a way. But answer me this: do you love him?"

She looked confused at the question, "Of course I love him he's—"

"No, I mean do you love him," I asked her again.

I think she understood this time and looked nervous, "I don't know, Reyna."

"That is something you're going to have to think about and if you want to try the plan I have in mind you have to figure it out. I'm sure we'll be going to get the trident following these week leading to the meeting, if you truly love him. Accept it."

"REYNA!! BRIDGET!!" Thalia ran up yelling, "We have to go now. Hermes showed up and told us that Poseidon is being held hostage at the site Leo told us to go to! We're leaving immediately."

Everyone started rushing up behind her and we all got to work. I shared a look with a still thinking Bridget. But she soon collected herself knowing her had to try and focus on saving her father.

I knew that saving Poseidon would be our key to getting the trident. I also despite the importance of the situation I thought carefully about my other plan. It could work even though Bridget's decision could take the duration of the week journey.

Now all we had to do was get to the destination.


I have plans I swear, Reyna's plan and my idea is  not canon it was inspired by comments from rasgajag and PJOandHoOFAN09 though I did not just completely steal their ideas the comments just helped me figure something out. ALSO WHAT SHOULD THIS CHAPTER BE TITLED!!? Please send me feedback <3

~Daughter Of Poseidon

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